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This page lists the publications produced by individuals within the Office of University Outreach and Engagement for the last five years--2012 through 2016. For an individual's complete list of publications, please click on his or her name at the bottom of this page and download her or his vita.
2018 Publications
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2018). Alcohol Use. In M. Bornstein, M. Arterberry, K. Fingerman, & J. E., Lansford (Eds). The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. (online pp 95-97 San Francisco: Sage
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2018). Community. In M. Bornstein, M. Arterberry, K. Fingerman, & J. E., Lansford (Eds). The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. (online pp 409-412) San Francisco: Sage
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2018). Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. In M. Bornstein, M. Arterberry, K. Fingerman, & J. E., Lansford (Eds). The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. (on line pp 871-873) San Francisco: Sage
Puttler, L. I., Zucker, R. A., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2018). Alcohol use disorders: Perspectives from developmental psychopathology and developmental science. In. H. E. Fitzgerald, & L. I. Puttler (Eds). Alcohol use disorders: A developmental science approach to etiology (pps. 5-16). New York: Oxford University Press.
Abujarad, F., Desloge, A., Carslon, K., & Swierenga, S. J. (2018). The importance of user-centered design in performing background checks in child care. In A. Marcus and W. Wang (Eds.), Design, User Experience, and Usability: Understanding Users and Contexts, DUXU 2018, LNCS 10290, pp. 149-157. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-91806-8_12,
2017 Publications
Golding P., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2019). The biopsychosocial development of prenatal, infant, and toddler boys and the origins of violence in males. Infant Mental Health Journal. 40, 5-22.
Byle, A. (2017, October). The human side of a correctional facility. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (10)1.
Lyons-Ruth, K., Todd Manly, J., Von Klitzing, K., Tamminen, T., Emde, R., Fitzgerald, H., Paul, C., Keren, M., Berg, A., Foley, M. & Watanabe, H. (2017). The worldwide burden of infant mental health and emotional disorder report of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38, 695-705. doi:10.1002/imhj.21674
Byle, A. (2017, July). Growing with their peers: Giving kids on the Autism spectrum access to inclusive learning. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (12), 6-8.
Byle, A. (2017, July). Telling their own story: Detroit youth find their voice in the Verses Project. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (12), 24-26.
Byle, A. (2017, February). Promoting understanding for a lifetime under the starts. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (9)3.
Bocknek, E. L., Dayton, C., Brophy-Herb, H. E., Raveau, H., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2017). Routine active playtime with fathers is associated with toddlers’ emotion regulation competencies. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 63 (1), 105-134.
Abujarad, F., O’Bara, I., & Swierenga, S. J. (2017, July). The role of UX in government system expansion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Switzerland: Springer International.
Fitzgerald, H. E., Bargerstock, B., van Egeren, L., & Zientek, R. (2017). Community engagement scholarship, research universities, and the scholarship of integration. In J. Sachs & L. Clark (Eds). Learning through community engagement: vision and practice in higher education (pp. 31-52). Singapore: Springer.
Fitzgerald, H.E. & McKelvey, L. M. (2017). Infant mental health: Intervention and prevention. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology (pp 1-14). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Ltd.
O’Tuama, S. O., Fitzgerald, H. E., Sandmann, L. R., & Votruba, J. (2017). Community-engaged universities: Beneficial exchanges. In Knox, A. B., Conceicao, S. C. O., & Martin, L. G. (Eds). Mapping the field of adult and continuing education: An international compendium. Volume 4: Inquiries and Influences ( pp 553-558). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing
Auslander, M. (2017). Rose’s gift: Slavery, kinship, and the fabric of memory. Present Pasts, 8(1), 78. doi:
Auslander, M. (with Renteria-Valencia, R., Schattschneider, E., and Amason, J., et al.). (2017). In search of the plaza: Threatened mass evictions, a precarious public sphere, and a museum-community partnership. Centre for Imaginative Ethnography. Retrieved from
Auslander, M. (2017). Objects of kinship: Reconstituting descent in the shadow of slavery. Transition, 122, 206-216. Retrieved from
Bender, S. L., Carlson, J. S., Van Egeren, L. A., Brophy-Herb, H., & Kirk, R. (2017). Investigating parenting stress as a mediator between mental health consultation and children’s behavior. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 7(1), 72-85.
Dewhurst, C. K. (2017). Folklife and museum practice: An intertwined history and emerging convergences. In C. K. Dewhurst, P. Hall, & C. Seemann (Eds.), Folklife and museums: 21st century perspectives. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Dewhurst, C. K., Hall, P., & Seemann, C. (2017). Folklife and museums: New perspectives for the 21st century. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Press.
Doberneck, D. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2017). Disciplinary variations in publicly engaged scholarship: An exploration using Biglan’s classification. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 21(1), 78-103. Retrieved from
Doberneck, D. M., Bargerstock, B.A., McNall, M., Van Egeren, L., & Zientek, R. (2017). Community engagement competencies for graduate and professional students: Michigan State University’s approach to professional development. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 24(1).
Fisher, S., Zapolski, T., Sheehan, C., & Barnes-Najor, J. (2017). Pathway of protection: Ethnic identity, self-esteem, and substance use among multiracial youth. Addictive Behaviors. Advance online publication. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.03.003
Publications by Person
- Hope Akaeze
- Burton A. Bargerstock
- Jessica V. Barnes-Najor
- Renee C. Brown
- Robert E. Brown
- Amy Byle
- Juan David Coronado
- C. Kurt Dewhurst
- Diane Doberneck
- Hiram E. Fitzgerald
- Ghada Georgis
- Teresa Herbowicz
- Pilar Horner
- Jean Kayitsinga
- Rex LaMore
- KyungSook Lee
- Rubén Martinez
- Miles A. McNall
- Daniel Velez Ortiz
- E. Beth Prince
- John H. Schweitzer
- Gretchen Sheneman
- Deborah Stoddard
- Laurie A. Van Egeren
- Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu
- Nai-Kuan Yang