Institutional Affiliations

UOE represents MSU, and in some cases takes a leadership role, in a number of cross-organizational bodies that focus on the advancement of university outreach and engagement. Among other things, these collaborations work on defining, assessing, benchmarking, classifying, and advocating for outreach and engagement.

Academy of Community Engagement Scholarship

The Academy of Community Engagement Scholarship (ACES) recognizes and contributes to high quality scholarship that, in collaboration with participating community partners, has a positive impact on complex societal needs and issues. ACES provides recommendations, on request, to inform local, regional, national, and international research and policy agendas. In recognition of their long careers of contributions, Lou Anna K. Simon, former President of Michigan State University, and Hiram Fitzgerald, University Distinguished Professor of Psychology and former Associate Provost for University Outreach and Engagement, have been inducted by the Academy. Burton Bargerstock, executive director of the Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship, was inducted 2017 and has been serving as president of the ACES board of directors. Fitzgerald and Bargerstock were part of an international “think tank” that led to the founding of ACES in 2012.

Association of Public and Land-grant Universities

A longtime member of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), MSU is currently active with the Commission on Economic and Community Engagement (CECE). CECE focuses its work on three main areas: talent and workforce development; innovation, entrepreneurship, and tech-based economic development; and place development through public service, outreach, extension, and engagement. Assistant Provost Laurie Van Egeren serves on the CECE Executive Committee, alongside other senior administrators from across North America, including presidents and chancellors, provosts, senior research officers, Cooperative Extension leaders, communications and government affairs administrators, and other senior administrators from APLU member institutions.

Big 10 Academic Alliance

MSU has been a leader in advocating for community-engaged scholarship and university outreach among the member universities of the Big 10 Academic Alliance (formerly the Committee on Institutional Cooperation). University Distinguished Professor of Psychology and former Associate Provost for University Outreach and Engagement Hiram Fitzgerald led efforts to charter the Alliance's Committee on Engagement and served as its inaugural chair. Under Fitzgerald's leadership, the Committee published Engaged Scholarship: A Resource Guide (2005). Assistant Provost Laurie Van Egeren currently represents MSU on the Big 10 Academic Alliance's Committee on Engagement.

Engagement Scholarship Consortium

The Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC) is composed of higher education institutions working to promote strong university-community partnerships that are anchored in the rigor of scholarship and designed to help build community capacity. Hiram Fitzgerald, University Distinguished Professor of Psychology and former Associate Provost for University Outreach and Engagement, was instrumental in helping this organization incorporate and served as its founding president through September 2015. During the eight years of his leadership the Consortium grew from seven to 33 institutional members, including universities outside the United States. Michigan State University hosted the Consortium's annual conference in 2011 and continues to be a vital voice within the ESC, as assistant provost for University-Community Partnerships, Laurie Van Egeren, is currently the president of ESC, and Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship executive director, Burton Bargerstock, serves on the organization's Conference Leadership Committee.

International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement

The International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) promotes the development and dissemination of research on service-learning and community engagement internationally and across all levels of the education system. MSU has played an active role with IARSLCE from its early years. Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement director emeritus, Karen McKnight Casey, organized its international conference on the MSU campus in 2005 and co-edited its proceedings volume with CSLCE colleagues the following year. MSU faculty and staff have been frequent presenters at IARSLCE conferences. In 2013, Burton Bargerstock was appointed to the IARSLCE board of directors, which elected him to serve as its Chair in 2015-2016. He was elected to a second term on the board in 2016-2017.

Michigan Campus Compact

MSU faculty and academic specialists are regular contributors to the state and national conferences and meetings of Michigan Campus Compact and national Campus Compact. MSU has hosted workshops in Compact settings on topics ranging from the assessment of student engagement to best practices for working with community partners. Center for Community Engaged Learning director Renee Brown is active with Michigan Campus Compact and previously served as its executive director.

National Alliance for Broader Impacts

Established after 2013, the National Alliance for Broader Impacts (NABI) is a community of practice that fosters the development of sustainable and scalable institutional capacity and engagement in broader impacts (BI) activity. It works to identify and curate promising models, practices, and evaluation methods; support the development of high-quality BI activities; develop the human resources to grow and increase the diversity of the BI community; and promote cross-institutional collaboration. Laurie Van Egeren, Assistant Provost for University-Community Partnerships, has been heavily engaged with NABI for the past several years and actively serves on its national steering committee.

The Research University Civic Engagement Network

Convened by Campus Compact, The Research University Civic Engagement Network (TRUCEN) works to advance civic engagement and engaged scholarship among research universities and to create resources and models for use across higher education. Michigan State University has been a member of TRUCEN since 2007, represented first by Karen McKnight Casey and currently by Renee Brown, director emeritus and director of the Center for Community Engaged Learning. McKnight Casey served on the editorial team that published TRUCEN's New Times Demand New Scholarship II: Research Universities and Civic Engagement — Opportunities and Challenges (2007). MSU hosted the annual meeting of TRUCEN in 2018.

University Professional and Continuing Education Association

Founded in 1915, the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) is the leading association for professional, continuing, and online education in North America. In addition to its programming, research, networking, and publications, UPCEA also works in the nation's capital to advocate for contemporary learners in public policy. MSU has been a member of UPCEA for much of its history, focusing in recent years on its work in community and economic engagement. Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship executive director Burton Bargerstock has been active with UPCEA since 1998. He was active in implementing the Association's recent strategic plan and served on its board of directors twice since 2010.

Institutional Awards and Honors

Since 2002, MSU and UOE received:

18 institutional awards and honors

UOE staff members received:

44 individual recognitions and honors

U.S. Presidential Recognitions Granting Organization Year Awarded
Presidential Award for General Community Service Corporation for National and Community Service 2009
President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll with Distinction Corporation for National and Community Service 2008, 2012
President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll Corporation for National and Community Service 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Other Institutional Awards and Honors Granting Organization Year Awarded
Community-Engaged University designation Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 2007, 2015
Recognition of Excellence Award for Innovations in Outreach and Engagement University Continuing Education Association (UCEA) Outreach and Engagement Community of Practice 2007
American Red Cross Award ARC Mid-Michigan Chapter and St. Vincent Catholic Charities – Refugee Services 2007
C. Peter Magrath/W. K. Kellogg Foundation Engagement Regional Award Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) and the Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC), with support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation 2009, 2011
Awards of Excellence Finalist University Economic Development Association 2010
John A. Seeley Friend of Evaluation Award Michigan Association for Evaluation 2011
Ford College Community Challenge Ford Motor Company 2013
Michigan Engaged Campus of the Year Michigan Campus Compact 2014


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