Recognizing and honoring individuals and groups for leadership in institutionalizing community-engaged scholarship and university outreach at Michigan State University

Michigan State University invites nominations for the Institutional Champion Award for Community Engagement Scholarship, conferred in recognition of exemplary efforts by a university leader, faculty member, faculty team, or initiative to systemically encourage, nurture, and support scholarly community engagement by faculty, staff, and students.

One nominee will be selected as the recipient of the Institutional Champion Award for Community Engagement Scholarship each year and will receive a plaque to memorialize the accomplishment and a $1,000 stipend. The Award recipient(s) will be formally recognized at the annual Michigan State University Outreach and Engagement Awards Ceremony.

This award program is jointly sponsored by the offices of the Vice Provost for University Outreach and Engagement and the Assistant Provost for Faculty and Academic Staff Development.

Nomination Process

University leaders, faculty, staff, students, and community partners may initiate nominations, and self-nominations are also welcome. It is expected that nominees will be aware of the nomination and will participate significantly in preparation of the nomination materials.

Visit the Nomination Process webpage for details about eligibility, the timeline, nomination instructions, and award program contact information.

Extended nomination deadline: November 18, 2024, 5:00 p.m. (Eastern) NOW CLOSED

Award Recipients

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