Hope Akaeze

Hope Akaeze

Project Statistician, Community Evaluation Programs
Academic Specialist, Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship

E-Mail: akaezeho@msu.edu

Department Web page: /about/departments/office-for-public-engagement-and-scholarship

Hope O. Akaeze, Ph.D. is an Academic Specialist–Research for the evaluation of the Michigan's Great Start Readiness program and the Michigan's 21st Century Community Learning Centers afterschool programs. She provides consultation, performs statistical analyses, and assists with manuscript development for these projects. She is experienced in statistical consulting and familiar with several statistical modeling tools and software programs.

Research and professional interests include:

  • Improvement and application of the theories and methods of Statistics for creative problem solving, particularly with multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, and cognitive diagnostic measurement models
  • Classroom teaching
  • Statistical consulting
  • Data analysis, and quantitative research in general

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Recent Publications

Wu, J. H., Akaeze, H. O., & Van Egeren (under review). Effects of a state pre-kindergarten program on the kindergarten readiness and attendance of at-risk four-year-olds. Early Childhood Education Journal.

Wu, J. H., Akaeze, H. O., Wilinski, B., & Morley, A. (under review). Middle-income families used public pre-k targeting low-income families: Lessons from a COVID policy change. Dimensions of Early Childhood. 

Wu, J. H. & Akaeze, H. O., (Under Review). Who attends public pre-kindergarten? A model-based approach to understanding similarities and differences among Michigan public pre-K students. Education Finance and Policy.

Wu, J. H. & Akaeze, H. O. Consider all the evidence on pre-K programs for low-income children: Why randomized controlled trial results must not dictate public policy. Planning and Changing.

Recent Reports

Wu, J. H., Akaeze, H. O., Adesina, O., Yang, N., & Anderson, M. (2023). All work and no play? Academic impacts of leisure activity in out-of-school time programming. Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers Research Brief. Michigan State University.

Wu, J. H., Weber, E., Van Egeren, L. & Akaeze, H. (2022). Great Start Readiness Program State Evaluation 2020-21 Annual Report. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

Wu, J. H., Akaeze, H. O. & Shereda, A. (2021). Michigan public preschools improve kindergarten readiness: Findings from the Michigan Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP). GSRP state evaluation fact sheet. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

Recent Presentations

  • (March 2024)

    All work and no play? Academic impacts of leisure activity in out-of-school time programming

    Wu, J. H., Akaeze, H. O., Adesina, O., Yang, N., & Anderson, M. (2024, March). All work and no play? Academic impacts of leisure activity in out-of-school time programming. [Research Proposal]. 2024 Active Living Conference.

  • (April 2023)

    Assessing Spatial Equity in Pre-K Interventions: A Tutorial on Geographically Weighted Regression

    Akaeze, H. O. & Wu, J. H. (2023, April). Assessing Spatial Equity in Pre-K Interventions: A Tutorial on Geographically Weighted Regression. Accepted for paper presentation at the 2023 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting: Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth. Chicago, IL.

  • (November 2022)

    Better access to learning opportunities: Promoting equity through child opportunity index and data mapping

    Wu, J. H*., Weber, E. P. & Akaeze, H. O. (2022, November). Better access to learning opportunities: Promoting equity through child opportunity index and data mapping. [Part of a multi-paper session titled: Neighborhood-informed approaches to equity in child education and health interventions]. American Evaluation Association conference: (re)shaping evaluation together, New Orleans, LA, United States. *Session chair.


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