The following list outlines selected presentations made by University Outreach and Engagement staff, and contains links to presentation materials. Consult the vitae of individual staff members for complete lists of presentations (See People page).

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    2019 Presentations

  • (May 2019)

    Boys and Violence: A Developmental Systems Perspective on Early Origins

    Fitzgerald, H. E. (May 3, 2019). Boys and Violence: A Developmental Systems Perspective on Early Origins. Plenary address presented at the Santa Fe Boys Educational Foundation conference on Early Origins of Violence in Males. Santa Fe, NM.

  • (April 2019)

    Out-of-school-time program effects on standardized test scores during early adolescence: A multi-level growth modeling approach

    Wu, H. J., Van Egeren, L. A., Yang, N., Prince, B. & Stoddard, D. (2019, April). Out-of-school-time program effects on standardized test scores during early adolescence: A multi-level growth modeling approach. Paper presented at the 2019 American Education and Research Association Annual Meeting, Canada, Toronto.

  • (February 2019)

    Final patient-level results from the Michigan Stroke Transitions Trial (MISTT): A randomized clinical trial to improve stroke transitions

    Fritz, M. C., Woodward, A. T., Hughes, A. K., Coursaris, C. K., Swierenga, S. J., Mojdeh, M., & Freddilino, P. P. (2019, February 6). Final patient-level results from the Michigan Stroke Transitions Trial (MISTT): A randomized clinical trial to improve stroke transitions. Presented at the International Stroke Conference, American Heart Association, February 6-8, 2019, February 6-8, Honolulu, HI.

  • (January 2019)

    Democratic Shift of Political Parties

    MLive Presentation

  • (January 2019)

    Michigan Farm Bureau Political Academy Presentation

    Michigan Farm Bureau Political Academy presentation

  • 2018 Presentations

  • (December 2018)

    Discovering accessibility training needs to develop an organizational strategy

    Ismirle, J., & Swierenga, S. J. (2018, December 7). Discovering accessibility training needs to develop an organizational strategy. Presented at the Michigan State University Accessible Learning Conference, East Lansing, MI.


  • (December 2018)

    A brief history of digital accessibility at Michigan State University

    Swierenga, S. J., & Hudson, M. J. (2018, December 6). A brief history of digital accessibility at Michigan State University. Presented at the Michigan State University Accessible Learning Conference, East Lansing, MI.


  • (November 2018)

    Community-Engaged Scholarship: Definitions and Directions

    Doberneck, D. M. (2018, November). Community-Engaged Scholarship: Definitions and Directions. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. November 5-7, 2018.


  • (October 2018)

    Writing retreats for community engagement: Examples from two universities

    Doberneck, D. M., Paynter, S., McNall, M., & Velde, B. (2018, October). Writing retreats for community engagement: Examples from two universities. Paper presentation. Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, October 2-3, 2018. Minneapolis, MN.

  • (October 2018)

    The Engagement Dossier: Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure and Peer-Reviewed Publishing

    Doberneck, D.M. (2018, October). The Engagement Dossier: Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure and Peer-Reviewed Publishing. Workshop at Emerging Engaged Scholars Workshop. Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, October 1, 2018. Minneapolis, MN.


  • (September 2018)

    Understanding accessibility requirements, reports, and simple tests

    Pierce, G. L. (2018, September). Understanding accessibility requirements, reports, and simple tests. Presented at the Big Ten Academic Alliance Library E-Resource Accessibility Group Meeting, Rosemont, IL.

  • (September 2018)

    Library Resource Accessibility: Common Problems

    Pierce, G. L. (2018, September). Library Resource Accessibility: Common Problems. Presented at the 2019 Big Ten Academic Alliance Library Initiatives Annual Conference, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • (August 2018)

    Writing for Community-Engaged Scholarship

    Doberneck, D. M. (2018, August). Writing for Community-Engaged Scholarship. Pen to Paper Academic Writing Retreat. August 26-28, 2018. Seattle, WA.


  • (August 2018)

    Whitmer-Granholm Comparisons

    UPNorth Live, August 2018

  • (August 2018)

    Digital accessibility: Moving WCC forward

    Swierenga, S. J., & Pierce, G. L. (2018, August). Digital accessibility: Moving WCC forward. Presented at the Washtenaw Community College Fall 2018 Faculty In-Service, Ann Arbor, MI.

  • (July 2018)

    The importance of user-centered design in performing background checks in child care

    Abujarad, F., Desloge, A., Carslon, K., & Swierenga, S. J. (2018, July 19). The importance of user-centered design in performing background checks in child care. Paper and presentation at Human-Computer Interaction International, July 18-20, Las Vegas, NV.


  • (July 2018)

    Defining the limits of technology-based tools for stroke patients and caregivers

    Freddolino, P., & Swierenga, S., Woodward, A., Lounds, N., Fitzgerald, J., Coursaris, C. K., Hughes, A., Fritz, M., & Reeves, M. (2018). Defining the limits of technology-based tools for stroke patients and caregivers. Presented at Social Work, Education and Social Development Conference, July 4-7, Dublin, Ireland.


  • (June 2018)

    IMPART Alliance: Supporting personal care aides key to increasing accessibility, quality and cost-effectiveness of home care

    Abujarad, F., Luz, C., & Swierenga, S. J., (2018, June 23). IMPART Alliance: Supporting personal care aides key to increasing accessibility, quality and cost-effectiveness of home care. Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Conference, June 23-26, Seattle, WA.


  • (June 2018)

    Ensuring a qualified long-term care workforce: Pilot study for pre-employment screening for in-home personal care workers

    Abujarad, F., & Swierenga, S. J., (2018, June 23). Ensuring a qualified long-term care workforce: Pilot study for pre-employment screening for in-home personal care workers. Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Conference, June 23-26, Seattle, WA.


  • (May 2018)

    A randomized trial of social worker led home-based case management to improve outcomes for caregivers of acute stroke patients during the transition period

    Reeves, M., Woodward, A., Fritz, M., Freddolino, P., Coursaris, C., Swierenga, S., Nassiri, M, & Hughes, A. (2018, May 16). A randomized trial of social worker led home-based case management to improve outcomes for caregivers of acute stroke patients during the transition period. Presented at the 4th European Stroke Organization Conference, May 16-18, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden.


  • (May 2018)

    Michigan collaborative for infant mental health research: Provides, consumers & evaluators working together to build an evidence base for IMH practice

    Julian, M., Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K., Ribaudo, J., Brophy-Herb, H. E., Fitzgerald, H. E., Huth-Bocks, A., Jester, J., Lawler, J. M., Niec, L., Spicer, P., Stacks, A., Van Egeren, L., & Weatherston, D. (2018). Michigan collaborative for infant mental health research: Provides, consumers & evaluators working together to build an evidence base for IMH practice. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.

  • (May 2018)

    Father involvement in child development: Why do so many sons grow up to be so violent?

    Fitzgerald. H. E. (May, 2018). Father involvement in child development: Why do so many sons grow up to be so violent? Invited address as part of Plenary Interface: Fathers and Sons (Moderator, R. Latia). Biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.

  • (May 2018)

    Infant mental health and public policy

    Weatherston, D., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (May, 2018). Infant mental health and public policy. In Invited Symposium on International Perspectives on Public Policy and Infant Mental Health (Chairs, H. E. Fitzgerald & C. Mcguire). Presented at the biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.

  • (April 2018)

    Role of Public Service Institutes/Centers in Statewide Issues

    Consortium of University Public Service Organizations, 2018 Annual Conference

  • (March 2018)

    Community-Engaged Scholarship: Alignment for Success

    Doberneck, D. M. (2018, March). Community-Engaged Scholarship: Alignment for Success. Old Dominion University. Norfolk, VA. March 25-29, 2018.


Presentations by Person

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