The following list outlines selected presentations made by University Outreach and Engagement staff, and contains links to presentation materials. Consult the vitae of individual staff members for complete lists of presentations (See People page).
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(July 2020)
Communicating the Importance of Program Quality for 21st CCLC Success: The What, the How and So What?
Collins, K., Wu, J. H., Davies, T. (2020, July). Communicating the Importance of Program Quality for 21st CCLC Success: The What, the How and So What? Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Program 2020 Summer Symposium. Virtual Conference.
(June 2020)
Informal learning website for teachers
Swierenga, S. J. (2020, June 24). Informal learning website for teachers. Focus Group for MSU Broad Museum of Art and MSU Museum. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, Usability/Accessibility Research and Consulting.
(May 2020)
Conceptualizing and Assessing the Broader Impacts of your Research
McNall, M., & Griffore, R. (2020, May). Conceptualizing and Assessing the Broader Impacts of your Research. Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship, University Outreach & Engagement, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.
(April 2020)
Quality and quantity do matter: State-funded preschool program shows learning gains
Lee, K. & Wu, J. H. (2020, April) Quality and Quantity Do Matter: State-Funded Preschool Program Shows Learning Gains [Poster Session]. American Education and Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California. (Conference Canceled)
(April 2020)
Change Management Justice and Equity
CUPSO 2020 Annual Conference
(April 2020)
Conceptualizing and Assessing the Broader Impacts of your Research
McNall, M., & Griffore, R. (2020, April). Conceptualizing and Assessing the Broader Impacts of your Research. Division of Engineering Research, College of Engineering, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.
(February 2020)
Usability evaluation overview and interactive demonstration
Swierenga, S. J., & Ismirle, J. (2020, February 11). Usability evaluation overview and interactive demonstration. Class lecture presented to Media and Information 350: Evaluating Human-Centered Technology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
(November 2019)
Experiences conducting user experience research session with individuals with disabilities
Swierenga, S. J., & Ismirle, J. (2019, November 22). Experiences conducting user experience research session with individuals with disabilities. Presented at the Michigan State University Accessible Learning Conference, East Lansing, MI.
(November 2019)
The role of TRHT in the development of my critical consciousness
McNall, M. (2019, November). The role of TRHT in the development of my critical consciousness. Panel presentation. American Evaluation Association. Nov 11-16, Minneapolis, MN.
(November 2019)
Real-world accessibility: Disabilities and usability
Swierenga, S. J. (2019, November 14). Real-world accessibility: Disabilities and usability. Presentation at the Michigan World Usability Day Conference, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
(November 2019)
Patterns of unmet needs and strengths among stroke patients and their influence on outcomes
Woodward, A. T., Hughes, A. K., Freddolino, P. P., Fritz, M. C., Coursaris, C. K., Swierenga, S. J., & Reeves, M. J. (2019). Patterns of unmet needs and strengths among stroke patients and their influence on outcomes. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, November 13-17, Austin, TX.
(November 2019)
Transitioning home after stroke: Improving physical health and patient activation
Hughes, A. K., Woodward, A. T., Freddolino, P. P., Fritz, M. C., Coursaris, C. K., Swierenga, S. J., & Reeves, M. J. (2019). Transitioning home after stroke: Improving physical health and patient activation. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, November 13-17, Austin, TX.
(November 2019)
Improving the personal care assistant workforce through training, data, and technology.
Abujarad, F., Swierenga, S. J., Luz, C. Hanson, K., Curtin, C., Lou, Z., & Swanson-Aprill, L. (2019). Improving the personal care assistant workforce through training, data, and technology. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America conference, November 13-17, Austin, TX.
(October 2019)
Social work and tech expert collaboration building user-informed mental health web resources.
Riebschleger, J., Swierenga, S. J., Cavanaugh, D., & Ismirle, J. (2019, October 27). Social work and tech expert collaboration building user-informed mental health web resources. Interactive workshop presented in the Technology at Social Work Education and Practice Track for the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Program Meeting (APM), October 25-27, Denver, CO.
(October 2019)
Community-Engaged Research: Getting Started
Barnes-Najor, J., & McNall. Community-Engaged Research: Getting Started. (2019, October). Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship, University Outreach & Engagement, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.
(October 2019)
Experiences conducting user experience research session with individuals with disabilities
Swierenga, S. J. (2019, October 16). Experiences conducting user experience research session with individuals with disabilities. Presented at Michigan State University Sponsored Program Research Opportunities & University Training (SPROUT), East Lansing, MI.
(October 2019)
Designing a Week-Long Faculty Development Workshop About Community-Engaged Scholarship
Doberneck, D. M. (2019, October). Designing a Week-Long Faculty Development Workshop About Community-Engaged Scholarship. Workshop. Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference. Denver, CO. October 8, 2019.
(August 2019)
Making documents accessible to people with disabilities
Pierce, G. L. (2019, August). Making documents accessible to people with disabilities. Presented at the August 2019 MSU Environmental Health & Safety Staff Meeting, East Lansing, MI.
(June 2019)
Making sure your websites and mobile apps are meeting the needs of your constituents
Swierenga, S. J., & Pierce, G. L. (2019, June). Making sure your websites and mobile apps are meeting the needs of your constituents. Presented at the 2019 G2G Marketplace Technology Conference, Waterford Township, MI.
(June 2019)
Making sure your websites and mobile apps are meeting the needs of your constituents
Swierenga, S. J., & Pierce, G. L. (2019, June 5). Making sure your websites and mobile apps are meeting the needs of your constituents. Presented at the 3rd Annual Oakland County G2G Marketplace Day, Waterford Township, MI.
(June 2019)
Facilitating community care coordination through an online referral system
Opel, D., Ismirle, J., & Swierenga, S. J. (2019, June 2). Facilitating community care coordination through an online referral system. Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Meeting, Digital Technologies, Data, and Data Science session, June 2-4, Washington, DC.
(June 2019)
A technology tool for supporting personal care aides is key to increasing accessibility, quality, and cost-effectiveness of home care
Abujarad, F, Swierenga, S. J., & Luz, C. (2019, June 2). A technology tool for supporting personal care aides is key to increasing accessibility, quality, and cost-effectiveness of home care. Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Meeting, Public and Population Health session, June 2-4, Washington, DC.
(May 2019)
A Brief History of Digital Accessibility at Michigan State University
Hudson, M., & Pierce, G. L. (2019, May). A Brief History of Digital Accessibility at Michigan State University. Presented at the MSU IT Next: Digital Access & Inclusion ConferenceExternal link - opens in new window, East Lansing, MI.
(May 2019)
Evaluation systems change using the most significant change method
McNall, M., Strzyzykowski, T., & Haggerty, D. (May, 2019). Evaluation systems change using the most significant change method. Michigan Association for Evaluation Annual Meeting. Lansing, MI.
(May 2019)
Better Together: Strengthening the effectiveness of an Infant Mental Health Intervention in a System of Care in Western Australia
Matacz, R., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (May 5, 2019). Better Together: Strengthening the effectiveness of an Infant Mental Health Intervention in a System of Care in Western Australia. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health. Ypsilanti, MI
2020 Presentations
2019 Presentations
Presentations by Person
- Hope Akaeze
- Jena Baker-Calloway
- Burton A. Bargerstock
- Jessica V. Barnes-Najor
- Robert E. Brown
- Juan David Coronado
- C. Kurt Dewhurst
- Diane Doberneck
- Hiram E. Fitzgerald
- Teresa Herbowicz
- Pilar Horner
- Jean Kayitsinga
- K.C. Keyton
- Rex LaMore
- KyungSook Lee
- Rubén Martinez
- Miles A. McNall
- John Melcher
- Renee Miller Zientek
- Daniel Velez Ortiz
- E. Beth Prince
- Kirk S. Riley
- Christie Schichtel
- John H. Schweitzer
- Susan L. Sheth
- Deborah Stoddard
- Laurie A. Van Egeren
- Arnold Weinfeld
- Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu
- Nai-Kuan Yang