Riley serves on the steering committee of Teach, Talent Thrive, in Lansing, MI; the board of the Coalition for College and Career Readiness at Lansing Community College; the board of the Michigan Center of Innovation for Education, a Lansing-based nonprofit organization; and as a member of the Magnet Programs Advisory Committee, Lansing School District. Since 1999, he has lectured in the Michigan State University Colleges of Engineering and Natural Science on risk communication and risk perception.
Research and professional interests:
Risk communication and risk perception in high-controversy decision-making contexts, particularly episodes of environmental contamination, and building trust among polarized stakeholders
Building effective informal learning environments for teaching technology and math to middle school youth
The roles of mentors in afterschool learning settings
Recent Presentations
(December 2015)
Zoology 446
Riley, K.
Panel presenter, Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
(November 2015)
Risky business: Building trust on environmental projects
Riley, K.
Lecture on risk communication and perception, Zoology 446, Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
(November 2015)
The promise of ITEC: Building opportunity in the digital economy
Riley, K.
Presented to Emergent Biosolutions
Lansing, Michigan