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This page lists the publications produced by individuals within the Office of University Outreach and Engagement for the last five years--2012 through 2016.  For an individual's complete list of publications, please click on his or her name at the bottom of this page and download her or his vita. 

    2013 Publications

    Auslander, M. (2013). Touching the past: Materializing time in traumatic “Living History” reenactments. Signs and Society, 1(1), 161-183. doi:

    Blow, A., Ganoczy, D., Kees, M., Valenstein, M., Gorman, L., Marcus, S., Fitzgerald, H. E., & Chermack, S. (2013). Hazardous drinking and impact on family functioning in the first two months post deployment. Journal of Family Psychology, 27, 303-313.

    Bocknek, E. L., Brophy-Herb, H. E., Fitzgerald, H. E., Jager, K. B. & Carolan, M. (2013). Maternal psychological absence and toddlers’ social-emotional development: Interpretations from the perspective of boundary ambiguity theory. Family Process, 51(4), 527-541.

    Brophy-Herb, H., Brophy-Herb, H., Martoccio, T., Hillaker, B., Stansbury, K., Harewood, T., Senehi, N. & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2013). Profiles of low-income maternal well-being and family climate: Relations to toddler boys' and girls' behaviors, Family Relations, 62, 326-340.

    Byle, A. (2013, December). Empowering high school students to educate their peers about safe driving. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (6)2.

    Byle, A. (2013, March). A fellowship of care: Helping Michigan’s aging residents grow old gracefully. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (5)3.

    Byle, A. (2013, May). The A-CAPPP Industry Academy: Cross-disciplinary training in the battle against product counterfeiting. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (5)4.

    Byle, A. (2013, October). An excellent music education: Without boundaries. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (6)1.

    Byle, A. (2013, September). Getting kids excited about science. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (8), 2-3.

    Córdova, D., Parra-Cardona, J. R., Blow, A., Johnson, D., Prado, G., & Fitzgerald, H. (2013). The role of intrapersonal factors on alcohol and drug use among Latinos with physical disabilities. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 13, 244-268.

    Delva, J., Horner, P., Sanders, L., Martinez, R., Lopez, W.D., & Doering-White, J. (2013). Mental health problems of children of undocumented parents in the United States: A hidden crisis. Journal of Community Positive Practices, 13(3), 25.

    Dewhurst, C. K., & MacDowell, M. (2013). Going public through international museum partnerships. In H. E. Fitzgerald & J. Primavera (Eds.), Going public: Civic and community engagement (pp. 265-290). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.

    Duley, J.S., & Springer, N.C. (2013). Service learning and civic engagement as preparation for a life committed to working for the common good: The Michigan State University/Rust College student tutorial education project, 1965-1968. In H.E. Fitzgerald and J. Primavera (Eds.), Going public: Civic and community engagement (pp. 107-130). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Bargerstock, B. A. (2013). Cooper offers higher education prescription for a knowledge economy and a knowledge society. Journal of Community Engagement Scholarship, 6(1), 130-132.

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Bockneck, E. L. (2013). Fathers, children, and the risk-resilience continuum. In N. J. Cabrera & C. S. Tamis-LaMonda (Eds.), Handbook of father involvement: Multidisciplinary perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 168-185). New York, NY: Routledge.

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Bradley, R. (2013). Paternal family relationships, child risk, and child outcomes. Family Science, 3, 141-144. doi:10.1080/19424620.2012.779421

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Primavera, J. (2013). Introduction: Scholarship-focused civic engagement and service learning. In H. E. Fitzgerald & J. Primavera (Eds.), Going public: Civic and community-engagement (pp. 3-12). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Primavera, J. (Eds.). (2013). Going public: civic and community engagement. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Farrell, P., Barnes, J., Belleau, A., Gerde, H. K., Thompson, N. L., Lee, K., Calcatera, M., Parish, A. (2013). Wiba Anung: Co-creating a sustainable partnership with Michigan’s American Indian Head Start programs. In H. E. Fitzgerald & J. Primavera (Eds.), Going public: Civic and community engagement (pp. 137-161). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Wong, M. M., & Zucker, R. A. (2013). Early origins of alcohol use and abuse: Mental representations, relationships, and the risk-resilience continuum. In N. Suchman, M. Pajulo, & L. C. Mayes (Eds.), Parenting and substance addiction: Developmental approaches to intervention (pp. 126-155). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

    Fitzgerald, H.E., Farrell, P., Barnes, J. V., Belleau, A., Gerde, H., Thompson, N., Lee, K-S., Calcatera, M., & Parish, A. (2013). Wiba Anung: Transformation change in Tribal Head Start. In H. E., Fitzgerald & J. Primavera (Eds.), Going Public: Civic and community-engagement (pp. 137-161). East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.

    Gibson, C. (2013, May). Agricultural capacity-building in Africa: Action research, community education, and Web-based resources. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (5)4.

    Gibson, C. (2013, September). Building interactive environments. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (8), 13.

    Gibson, C. (2013, September). Tech savvy teaching: Using technology in the classroom. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (8), 4-5.

    Hassoun, R., Hughes, E., Farroukh, M., McNall, M., & Williams, K. P. (2013). A first look at chronic diseases and lifestyle behaviors among Arab and Chaldean Americans in Southeast Michigan. ACCESS Health Journal: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Communities. Dearborn, Michigan: ACCESS Community Health & Research Center.

Publications by Person