2022 Presentations

  • (November 2022)

    Measuring indirect economic benefits of low-income families' access to preschool program

    Miller, S. R., Wu, J. H., & Herbowicz, T. I. (2022, November). Measuring indirect economic benefits of low-income families' access to preschool programs. [Paper]. American Evaluation Association conference: (re)shaping evaluation together, New Orleans, LA, United States.

  • (November 2022)

    Implementing large-scale online surveys: Tips on content development, survey distribution, and fraud identification.

    Wu, J. H., Miller, S. R., & Herbowicz, T. I. (2022, November). Implementing large-scale online surveys: Tips on content development, survey distribution, and fraud identification. [Poster Presentations]. American Evaluation Association conference: (re)shaping evaluation together, New Orleans, LA, United States.

  • (November 2022)

    Better access to learning opportunities: Promoting equity through child opportunity index and data mapping

    Wu, J. H*., Weber, E. P. & Akaeze, H. O. (2022, November). Better access to learning opportunities: Promoting equity through child opportunity index and data mapping. [Part of a multi-paper session titled: Neighborhood-informed approaches to equity in child education and health interventions]. American Evaluation Association conference: (re)shaping evaluation together, New Orleans, LA, United States. *Session chair.


  • (May 2022)

    Using big data to inform policy decision-making and implementation: An example of Michigan’s public preschool education

    Wu, J. H. (2022, May). Using big data to inform policy decision-making and implementation: An example of Michigan’s public preschool education. Keynote speaker. National Chiayi University 2022 Quality Early Childhood Education Conference.

  • (April 2022)

    Resolving dimensionality in a child assessment tool: An application of the multilevel bifactor model

    Akaeze, H. O., Lawrence, F. R. & Wu, J. H. (2022, April). Resolving dimensionality in a child assessment tool: An application of the multilevel bifactor model. Paper presented at the 2022 American Educational Research Association Conference. Virtual Presentation.

  • (January 2022)

    Better access to learning opportunities: Promoting Equity through data mapping

    Wu, J. H., Weber, E. & Lower, R. (2022, January). Better access to learning opportunities: Promoting Equity through data mapping. Presentation delivered at the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Collaboratives. Virtual presentation.

Presentations by Person