2017 Presentations

  • (June 2017)

    “Hicimos el Camino” en Michigan: Latino business pioneers

    Coronado, J. D. (2017, June 14-16). “Hicimos el Camino” en Michigan: Latino business pioneers. Presentation at the annual conference of Cambio de Colores, St. Louis, MO.

  • (May 2017)

    Abuses within the H-2A Guest Worker Program

    Coronado, J. D. (2017, May 17-19). Abuses within the H-2A Guest Worker Program. Presentation at the biennial conference of the Inter-University Program for Latino Research, San Antonio, TX.

  • (April 2017)

    Community roots: Oral history in the classroom at the community college level

    Coronado, J. D., Rohovit, Z. (2017, April 27-29). Community roots: Oral history in the classroom at the community college level.  In J. D. Coronado (Chair), Looking ahead: Bridging past, present, and future through oral history. Panel presentation at the conference of the Southwest Oral History Association (SOHA), Tempe¸ AZ.

  • (April 2017)

    Mexican American baseball in South Texas

    Coronado, J. D. (2017, April 27-29). Mexican American baseball in South Texas. In J. D. Coronado (Chair), Looking ahead: Bridging past, present, and future through oral history. Presentation at the conference of the Southwest Oral History Association (SOHA), Tempe, AZ.

Presentations by Person