2015 Presentations

  • (October 2015)

    Tapping into the fountain of youth: PreK-12 horizons for continuing education and community engagement

    Bargerstock, B. A., Fleming, C. A., Renoe, S. D., & Bellert, M.

    Presented as a University Professional and Continuing Education Association webinar

  • (September 2015)

    Excellence, Quality, and Rigor in Peer Review of Community-Engaged Scholarship

    Bargerstock, B. A., McNall, M. A., Doberneck, D. M.

    Presented at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference

    State College, Pennsylvania

  • (September 2015)

    Community engagement competencies for graduate and professional students: Framework and curriculum at Michigan State University

    Doberneck, D., Bargerstock, B. A., Van Egeren, L. A., McNall, M., & Zientek, R.

    Paper presented at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference

    University Park, Pennsylvania

  • (September 2015)

    A portfolio rubric for assessing graduate students’ community engagement competencies

    Doberneck, D., Bargerstock, B. A., Van Egeren, L. A., McNall, M., & Zientek, R.

    Paper presented at the International Association for Research in Service Learning and Civic Engagement Conference

    Boston, Massachusetts

  • (June 2015)

    From host site to co-teacher/co-learner: Redefining roles in international experiential learning

    Doberneck, D. M., Lally, M., & Chalou, C.

    Global Internship Conference

    Dublin, Ireland

  • (March 2015)

    Documenting faculty community engaged research

    Doberneck, D. M., McNall, M., & Bargerstock, B. A.

    Invited video presentation for the Faculty Learning Community on Community Engagement, Tarleton State University

    Stephenville, Texas

  • (February 2015)

    Capacity building and community engagement

    Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L.

    Community Sustainability class lecture, Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (January 2015)

    Working with diverse communities

    Springer, N. C.

    Presentation to SWK 321: Social Work Practice I, Central Michigan University

    Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

  • (January 2015)

    Bridging two worlds together: Exploring the complexity of service in service-learning

    Doberneck, D. M.

    Panel response to keynote presentation. Michigan Campus Compact Faculty Colloquium, Oakland University

    Rochester, Michigan

Presentations by Person