(April 2014)
Getting a head start on science in the preschool classroom
Van Egeren, L. A.
Michigan State University Science Festival
East Lansing, Michigan
(April 2014)
Development of leadership conceptions among adolescents in youth-adult partnership programs
Wu, H. J., Akiva, T., & Van Egeren, L. A.
Paper presented at the biennial meeting of Society for Research on Adolescence Conference
Austin, Texas
(April 2014)
Participation in 21st CCLC programs is associated with enhanced developmental assets
Wu, H. -C., & Van Egeren, L. A.
Paper presented at the Society for Research in Adolescence
Austin, Texas
(February 2014)
MSU’s Center for Statistical Training and Consulting (CSTAT)
Maurer, B., & Van Egeren, L. A.
MSU Research Data Management CAFE, Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
(January 2014)
Honoring indigenous knowledge
Barnes-Najor, J. V., Burnett, C., Verdugo, M., Brown, R. E., & Willis, M.
Webinar conducted for Region XI (AI/AN) Head Start and Early Head Start Directors, AI/AN Home Visiting Administrators, and AI/AN Child Care Administrators
(January 2014)
Building effective CBPR teams
Barnes-Najor, J. V., Burnett, R., Kerver, J., Verdugo, M., Brown, R. E., Filimore, R., & Abramson, L.
Webinar conducted for Region XI (AI/AN) Head Start and Early Head Start Directors, AI/AN Home Visiting Administrators, and AI/AN Child Care Administrators
(January 2014)
Introduction to community-based and tribal participatory research
Barnes-Najor, J. V., Belleau, A., Burnett, C., McNall, M., & Brown, R. E.
Webinar conducted for Region XI (AI/AN) Head Start and Early Head Start Directors
(January 2014)
Building effective teams
Barnes-Najor, J. V., Burnett, C., Brown, R. E., Verdugo. M., & Kerver, J.
Workshop delivered to Kenai Head Start program staff
(January 2014)
Understanding partnerships
Barnes-Najor, J. V., Burnett, C., Brown, R. E., & Verdugo, M.
Workshop delivered to Building Neighborhood Capacity group
Flint, Michigan
(January 2014)
Building effective teams
Barnes-Najor, J. V., Burnett, C., Brown, R. E., Verdugo. M., & Kerver, J.
Workshop delivered to Building Neighborhood Capacity group
Flint, Michigan
(January 2014)
The CLASS in tribal communities
Barnes-Najor, J. V., & Smith, P.
Presented at the National Indian Head Start Directors Association 24th Management Training Conference
Minneapolis, Minnesota
(January 2014)
The development of leadership among adolescents and young adults: A new paradigm
Wu, H. J.
Invited speaker for expert panel. National Taiwan Sport University
Taoyuan County, Taiwan
(January 2014)
Efficacy of a community-based home visitation intervention to reduce the risk of infant obesity in low-income populations
Horodynski, M. A., Baker, S., Olson, B., Van Egeren, L. A., Brophy-Herb, H., Auld, G., & Lee, K.
Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Nutrition and Growth
Barcelona, Spain
(January 2014)
STEM: How are we doing it?
Wu, H. J., & Van Egeren, L. A.
Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers Project Director Institute
Lansing, Michigan
(January 2014)
American Indian/Alaska Native Family and Child Experiences Survey
Sarche, M., & Barnes-Najor, J. V.
Presented to the National Indian Head Start Directors Association Board
Albuquerque, New Mexico
(January 2014)
Preparing for jobs outside the tenure track
Van Egeren, L. A.
Human Development and Family Studies Graduate Student Group, Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
(January 2014)
Participation in Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers programs links to enhanced developmental assets
Wu, H. J. & Van Egeren, L. A.
Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers Advisory Board Meeting
Lansing, Michigan
(January 2014)
The CLASS in tribal communities
Barnes-Najor, J. V., & Smith, P.
Presented to the National Indian Head Start Directors Association Board
Albuquerque, New Mexico
2014 Presentations
Presentations by Person
- Hope Akaeze
- Jena Baker-Calloway
- Burton A. Bargerstock
- Jessica V. Barnes-Najor
- Renee C. Brown
- Robert E. Brown
- Juan David Coronado
- C. Kurt Dewhurst
- Diane Doberneck
- Hiram E. Fitzgerald
- Teresa Herbowicz
- Pilar Horner
- Jean Kayitsinga
- K.C. Keyton
- Rex LaMore
- KyungSook Lee
- Rubén Martinez
- Miles A. McNall
- John Melcher
- Daniel Velez Ortiz
- E. Beth Prince
- Kirk S. Riley
- Christie Schichtel
- John H. Schweitzer
- Susan L. Sheth
- Deborah Stoddard
- Laurie A. Van Egeren
- Arnold Weinfeld
- Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu
- Nai-Kuan Yang