2014 Presentations

  • (December 2014)

    The risk to resilience continuum: A boy’s journey from conception to three

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address at the Annual meeting of the Zero to Three

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • (November 2014)

    Fathers and sons and the risk-resilience continuum

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address at the conference on Parenting at Risk, Society for Research on Child Development

    San Diego, California

  • (September 2014)

    University outreach and engagement at Michigan State University

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Van Egeren, L.A., Bargerstock, B.A., Barnes Najor, J.V., & Brown, R.E.

    Invited presentation for Tony Baker, Ferris State University

    Grand Rapids, Michigan

  • (September 2014)

    Service-learning, community engagement scholarship, and systems change

    Fitzgerald, H. E., McNall, M. A., Brown, R. E., & Barnes-Najor, J. V.

    Invited colloquium, Lingnan University

    Hong Kong, China

  • (September 2014)

    Communicating service learning to professional and public audiences

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Doberneck, D. M.

    Invited colloquium, Lingnan University

    Hong Kong, China

  • (September 2014)

    Institutional alignment in support of service learning and community engagement scholarship

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Doberneck, D. M.

    Invited colloquium, Lingnan University

    Hong Kong, China

  • (September 2014)

    Service-learning and partnership development

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Brown, R. E., Barnes-Najor, J. V., Doberneck, D. M., & McNall, M. A.

    Invited colloquium, Lingnan University

    Hong Kong, China

  • (September 2014)

    Community-based participatory research and service learning

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Barnes-Najor, J., Van Egeren, L., & McNall, M. A.

    Invited colloquium, Lingnan University

    Hong Kong, China

  • (June 2014)

    Systemic engagement: Universities and partners in systemic approaches to community and systems change

    McNall, M.A., Brown, R. E., Barnes-Najor, J. V., Springer, N., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Systemic engagement: Universities and partners in systemic approaches to community and systems change. Biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health

    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

  • (June 2014)

    Community based participatory research, American Indian early childhood education, and systems change

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Barnes-Najor, J. V., Farrell, P., Gerde, H. & Belleau, A.

    Presented in invited symposium (H. E. Fitzgerald, chair), University-community partnerships, infant mental health, and systems change. 14th biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health

    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

  • (June 2014)

    Family substance use and Head Start teachers’ perceptions of children’s behavior

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Lee, K-S., Barnes, J. V., Farrell, P. Gerde, H., & Belleau, A.

    Poster presented at the 14th biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health

    Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

  • (April 2014)

    The Global University Network for Innovation. Knowledge, engagement, and higher education: Contributing to social change

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited presentation, The centrality of engagement in higher education. Kansas State University Engagement Symposium

    Manhattan, Kansas

  • (April 2014)

    University engagement as scholarly activity

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited presentation, The centrality of engagement in higher education. Kansas State University Engagement Symposium

    Manhattan, Kansas

  • (March 2014)

    Community Engagement Scholarship: Making the Connections with Bolder by Design

    Fitzgerald, H. F., Doberneck, D. M., & Miles McNall.

    Faculty & Organizational Development’s Leadership and Administrator Seminar Series, Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (March 2014)

    Partnerships for place: An agenda for a competitive 21st century Michigan

    Finlay, D. R., Fitzgerald, H. E., & Lossing, D.

    Presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Municipal League

    Lansing, Michigan

  • (February 2014)

    Community Engagement Scholarship: A Third Transformation in Higher Education?

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited presentation at the University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee

  • (January 2014)

    National and International context of community engagement scholarship and university-community collaborations

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    In A. Ezzeddine, H.E. Fitzgerald, V. Green & D. Schoem (Co-chairs), Multi university community engagement corridor initiative. Symposium conducted at the Annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges and Universities

    Washington, D.C.

Presentations by Person