(December 2013)
Developing an evaluation plan for grant proposals
Van Egeren, L. A.
Grantwriting Coffee Break, Office of Research Facilitation and Dissemination, Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
(November 2013)
Determining the health status of HIV-positive ex-offenders three years after release from prison
Miller, R., Forney, J., & McNall, M.
American Evaluation Association
Washington, D.C.
(November 2013)
Effectiveness of an academic asthma health education program on cognitive, psychosocial, and behavioral outcomes in older school-age students with asthma
Kintner, E., Marti, C. N., Cook, G., Stoddard, D., Harmon, P., & Van Egeren, L. A.
Paper presented at the American Public Health Association Conference
Boston, Massachusetts
(October 2013)
Engendering systemic engagement: The case of Flint, Michigan
Brown, R. E., & Barnes, J. V.
Paper presented at the Engaged Scholarship Consortium National Conference
Lubbock, Texas
(October 2013)
Using systemic community-based research approach in Tribal Head Start communities
Barnes, J. V., Verdugo, M., & Brown, R. E.
Paper presented at the Engaged Scholarship Consortium National Conference
Lubbock, Texas
(October 2013)
Educational modules on effective community-based participatory research practices
Barnes, J. V., Verdugo, M., Brown, R. E., & Farrell, P.
Paper presented at the Engaged Scholarship Consortium National Conference
Lubbock, Texas
(October 2013)
STEM: How much (*FUN) are we having?
Wu, H. -C., & Van Egeren, L. A.
Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers Advisory Committee
Lansing, Michigan
(October 2013)
Systemic engagement
McNall, M.
University Outreach and Engagement Senior Fellows Meeting
East Lansing, Michigan
(October 2013)
Assessing the fidelity of implementation of early childhood interventions: An extension of the critical components analysis approach
McNall, M.
American Evaluation Association
Washington, D.C.
(October 2013)
Advice to novice developmental evaluators
McNall, M., & Kornbluh, M.
American Evaluation Association
Washington, D.C.
(July 2013)
Starting strong with home visitation: Balancing rapport building and data collection
Vallotton, C., Harewood, T., & McNall, M.
Training for Saginaw County, Michigan Birth-5 parent educators
(June 2013)
Community needs assessment
Barnes, J. V., Burnett, C., Verdugo, M., & Belleau, A.
Workshop presented at the National Indian Head Start Directors Association 23rd Management Training Conference
Spokane, Washington
(June 2013)
Using data to improve the quality of the classroom environment
Barnes, J. V., Wilkins, H., & Belleau, A.
Workshop presented at the National Indian Head Start Directors Association 23rd Management Training Conference
Spokane, Washington
(June 2013)
21st CCLC Michigan state evaluation: Setting up your continuous improvement system
Van Egeren, L. A., Reed, C. S., & the 21st CCLC Michigan Evaluation Team
Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers Cohort H Grantee Orientation Meeting
Lansing, Michigan
(May 2013)
I see your needs: Relationships between home visit content and family and child outcomes
Harewood, T., Vallotton, C. D., & McNall, M.
Presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health
East Lansing, Michigan
(May 2013)
Using cost-effective processes to develop large-scale data-driven continuous improvement systems for local programs
Taylor, J., Van Egeren, L. A., & Garner, A.
ELO Network
Grand Rapids, Michigan
(April 2013)
Predictors of early academic skills in native children
Barnes, J. V., Belleau, A., Suggitt, A., McCleellan, J., Gerde, H., Lee, K.S., Farrell, P., Thompson, N., & Fitzgerald, H.
Paper presented at the 5th International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health
Portland, Oregon
(April 2013)
I see your needs: Relationships between home visit content and family and child outcomes
Harewood, T., Vallotton, C. D., & McNall, M.
Poster presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development
Seattle, Washington
(April 2013)
Middle and high-school: Racial and gender considerations for protective factors over three years
Golzman, J., Chuang, S., Xu, H., Ghassemi, E., & McNall, M.
Society for Research in Child Development
Seattle, Washington
(April 2013)
Early childhood educators’ self-efficacy in science, math, and literacy instruction and science practice in the classroom
Gerde, H.K., Van Egeren, L.A., Pierce, S.J., & Lee, K.S.
Paper presented at the Biannual Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development
Seattle, Washington
(April 2013)
Preparing Michigan for jobs of the 21st century: Talent development, local to global
Brophy-Herb, H., Fitzgerald, H. E., Farrell, P., Barnes-Najor, J., Gerde, H., Belleau, A., Lee, K., McNall, M., Van Egeren, L. A., Horodynski, M., & Vallotton, C.
Community-University Partnerships Invested in the Future
Lansing, Michigan
(April 2013)
Emotion beliefs and feeding beliefs and behaviors among low-income African-American and Caucasian mothers of infants
Martoccio, T. L., Brophy-Herb, H. E., Horodynski, M. A., Stansbury, K., & Van Egeren, L. A.
Paper presented at the Biannual Conference of the Society for Research in Child Development
Seattle, Washington
(March 2013)
Efficacy of a community-based home-visitation intervention to reduce the risk of infant obesity in low-income populations: Preliminary results
Horodynski, M. A., Baker, S., Olson, B., Van Egeren, L. A., Brophy-Herb, H., & Auld, G.
Paper presented at the Midwest Nursing Research Society
Chicago, Illinois
(February 2013)
Strategic Doing
Brown, R. E.
Presented keynote address at the Mid-Winter Institute, Midwest United Way
Madison, Wisconsin
(February 2013)
Head Start on Science child data collector training
Van Egeren, L. A.
Online course (Desire 2 Learn platform)
2013 Presentations
Presentations by Person
- Hope Akaeze
- Jena Baker-Calloway
- Burton A. Bargerstock
- Jessica V. Barnes-Najor
- Robert E. Brown
- Juan David Coronado
- C. Kurt Dewhurst
- Diane Doberneck
- Hiram E. Fitzgerald
- Teresa Herbowicz
- Pilar Horner
- Jean Kayitsinga
- K.C. Keyton
- Rex LaMore
- KyungSook Lee
- Rubén Martinez
- Miles A. McNall
- John Melcher
- Renee Miller Zientek
- Daniel Velez Ortiz
- E. Beth Prince
- Kirk S. Riley
- Christie Schichtel
- John H. Schweitzer
- Susan L. Sheth
- Deborah Stoddard
- Laurie A. Van Egeren
- Arnold Weinfeld
- Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu
- Nai-Kuan Yang