2013 Presentations

  • (October 2013)

    Transformative change in higher education: Historical and global perspectives

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    In H. E. Fitzgerald (Chair), The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi). Let’s build transformative knowledge to drive social change. Presented at the annual meeting of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium

    Lubbock, TX.

  • (October 2013)

    From theory to practice: Systems change

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    In C. Londener (Chair), Engaged Scholarship: Lessons learned from adult education anytime, anytime, any need. Presented at the annual meeting of the Engagement Scholarship Consortium

    Lubbock, Texas

  • (October 2013)

    Research universities in the 21st century: The role of public engagement

    Furco, A., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address presented at the meeting of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation’s Academic Leadership Program and Fellows Class of 2013-2014

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (October 2013)

    Community engagement scholarship, wicked problems, and systems change

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited presentation at the Center for Urban Research and Learning, Loyola University, Chicago

    Chicago, Illinois

  • (September 2013)

    Recognizing engaged scholarship for promotion and tenure: Lessons for the University of Louisville

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address presented to Deans, Department Chairs, and the Faculty Personnel Committee, University of Louisville

    Louisville, Kentucky

  • (September 2013)

    Engaged scholarship: Innovation, teaching, and research for the 21st century

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address presented to faculty and academic staff at University of Louisville

    Louisville, Kentucky

  • (September 2013)

    Recognizing engaged scholarship for promotion and tenure: Lessons for the University of Louisville

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address presented to the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry and Public Health, University of Louisville

    Louisville, Kentucky

  • (May 2013)

    Fathers and child development: Evidence from birth to five and beyond

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address at ISPA, Institututo Universitario, Centre de Investigacao

    Lisbon, Portugal

  • (May 2013)

    Family subsystems and Head Start teachers’ perceptions of children’s behavior

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Lee, K-S., Barnes, J. V., Farrell, P., Gerde, H., & Belleau, A.

    Poster presented at the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

    Barcelona, Spain

  • (May 2013)

    Systems change metrics and program outcome indicators: Challenges for transformational and systemic change

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Brown, R. E., McNall, M., & Barnes-Najor, J. V.

    Presented at the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

    Barcelona, Spain

  • (May 2013)

    Blending CCIs, projects, collective impact, and evidence-based practices to achieve system and program outcomes

    Fitzgerald, H., Brown, R. E., McNall, M., & Barnes, J. V.

    Paper presented at the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

    Barcelona, Spain

  • (April 2013)

    University-community partnerships: Looking for collective impact

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Solis, I.

    Invited plenary address at Minority Health Summit: Health Equity through Community Partnerships

    Toledo, Ohio

  • (February 2013)

    Advancing transformative engagement

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address presented at the Annual Community Engagement Conference, University of Auburn

    Auburn, Alabama

  • (February 2013)

    Advancing transformative engagement

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address at the Outreach Scholarship Symposium, Auburn University

    Auburn, Alabama

Presentations by Person