2012 Presentations

  • (June 2012)

    Tribal early childhood research: Supporting research in HS/EHS program

    Barnes, J. V., Belleau, A., Farrell, P., Gerde, H., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Workshop presented at the National Indian Head Start Directors Association 22nd Management Training Conference

    Acme, Michigan

  • (May 2012)

    Cluster-randomized trial of the efficacy of early childhood science education with low-income children

    Van Egeren, L. A.

    CREATE4STEM Mini-conference, Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (April 2012)

    The Michigan Evaluation of School-based Health

    McNall, M. A.

    Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research 2012 Community Engagement Symposium

    Ann Arbor, Michigan

  • (April 2012)

    Evaluating systems change initiatives

    McNall, M., & Watson, E.

    Michigan Association for Evaluation annual conference

    Lansing, Michigan

  • (March 2012)

    Challenges adults face when engaging in youth-adult partnerships

    Kornbluh, M., Duddy, A., Akiva, T., Wu, H. C., & Van Egeren, L. A.

    Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of Society for Research on Adolescence

    Vancouver, Canada

  • (March 2012)

    Fidelity of implementation: A critical components approach

    McNall, M.A.

    2012 Great Start Conference

    Acme, Michigan

  • (March 2012)

    The creation of youth-driven spaces through organizational intervention: Benefits reported by youth

    Van Egeren, L. A., Wu, H. -C., Rana, M., Kornbluh, M., Duddy, A., & Weiss, J.

    Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of Society for Research on Adolescence

    Vancouver, Canada

  • (March 2012)

    Building youth into organizational management increases youth 21st century skills

    Van Egeren, L. A., Wu, H. -C., Rana, M., & Akiva, T.

    Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of Society for Research on Adolescence

    Vancouver, Canada

  • (March 2012)

    Operation sustainability: Strong data tells the story

    Van Egeren, L. A.

    Mission is Possible II

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (March 2012)

    Risky behaviors, family involvement, and health: A longitudinal study of middle and high school students

    Chuang, S. S., McNall, M., Truong, T. D., Bies, M., & Hueniken, A.

    Poster presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence

    Vancouver, British Columbia

  • (February 2012)

    A conversation about engaged research

    Van Egeren, L. A.

    College of Nursing doctoral student class, Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (February 2012)

    Presenting evaluation findings

    Van Egeren, L., Bates, L., & McNall, M.

    The Evaluation Circle

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (January 2012)

    Evaluating systems change

    McNall, M.

    The Evaluation Circle

    East Lansing, Michigan

Presentations by Person