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McNall, M., & Kornbluh, M. (2012). Great Start Collaborative & Head Start Parents Needs Assessment Survey. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, University Outreach and Engagement.
McNall, M., & Kornbluh, M. (2012). Lansing early childhood equity project: Year one evaluation report. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University.
McNall, M., Vallotton, C., Bates, L., & Harewood, T. (2012). Project LAUNCH Michigan grantee-specific evaluation end-of-year report. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, University Outreach and Engagement.
McNall, M., Vallotton, C., Harewood, T., & Bates, L. (2012). Implementation of the CSEFEL pyramid model in Michigan. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University.
Miller, R. L., McNall, M. A., Forney, J. C., & Janulis, P. (2012). Evaluation of the AIDS partnership Michigan community re-entry program: Final report. East Lansing, MI: Author.
Miller, R., McNall, M., Forney, J., & Janulis, P. (2012) Evaluation of the AIDS partnership Michigan community re-entry program: Final report. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University.
Reed, C. S., Van Egeren, L. A., Bates, L., & the MSU Evaluation Team (2012). Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers: 2010-2011 annual report. Michigan Department of Education.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, August). Head Start on Science Year 1 annual report. National Science Foundation.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, December). Promoting Underrepresented Girls Involvement in Research, Science, and Energy (PURSE): Final evaluation report. Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP).
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, July). Saturday class session evaluation report: Fall 2011. Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP).
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Promoting Underrepresented Girls Involvement in Research, Science, and Energy (PURSE): Annual evaluation report. Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP).
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Saturday class session evaluation report: Spring 2012. Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP).
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Saturday class session evaluation report: Summer 2012. Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP).
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Clinton County substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Eaton County substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Gratiot County substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Hillsdale County substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Ingham County substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Ionia County substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Jackson County substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Lenawee County substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Newaygo County substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A. (2012, October). Strategic prevention planning 2012: Regional substance abuse outcome evaluation monitoring tool. Clinton-Eaton-Ingham Community Mental Health Authority Coordinating Agency.
Van Egeren, L. A., Bates, L. V., Reed, C. S., Platte, M., Platte, J., Prince, B., Wu, H.-C., & Yang, N.-K. (2012, January). 2011 Before- and after-school summer expansion grant: 21st Century Learning Centers fact sheet. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Van Egeren, L. A., Wu, H. -C., & Kornbluh, M. (2012, March). Evaluation of the Youth-Driven Spaces project: Final report. Neutral Zone, for W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
Publications by Person
- Hope Akaeze
- Burton A. Bargerstock
- Jessica V. Barnes-Najor
- Renee C. Brown
- Robert E. Brown
- Amy Byle
- Juan David Coronado
- C. Kurt Dewhurst
- Diane Doberneck
- Hiram E. Fitzgerald
- Ghada Georgis
- Teresa Herbowicz
- Pilar Horner
- Jean Kayitsinga
- Rex LaMore
- KyungSook Lee
- Rubén Martinez
- Miles A. McNall
- Daniel Velez Ortiz
- E. Beth Prince
- John H. Schweitzer
- Gretchen Sheneman
- Deborah Stoddard
- Laurie A. Van Egeren
- Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu
- Nai-Kuan Yang