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Miller, R. L., McNall, M. A., Mark, M. M., & Oral History Project Team. (2016). The Oral History of Evaluation: The Professional Development of William D. Crano. American Journal of Evaluation, 1098214016673903.
Zapolski, T., Fisher, S., Hsu, W. W., & Barnes-Najor, J. (2016). What can parents do? Examining the role of parental support on the negative relationship between racial discrimination, depression, and drug use among African American youth. Clinical Psychological Science.
Barnes-Najor, J., Thompson, N., Belleau, A., Smith, T., Verdugo, M., Brown, P., & Sarche, M. (2016). Cultural and practice perspectives on the classroom assessment scoring system: Voices from American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start programs. Manuscript submitted for publication, Journal of Research in Childhood Education.
Wu, H. J., Kornbluh, M., Weiss, J., & Rody, L. (2016). Measuring and understanding authentic youth engagement. Afterschool Matters, 23(Spring), 8–17.
Wu, H-C., Van Egeren, L. A., & Weikart Center TACSS Team. (2016). Frequently asked questions about the Leading Indicators Report. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Publications by Person
- Hope Akaeze
- Burton A. Bargerstock
- Jessica V. Barnes-Najor
- Renee C. Brown
- Robert E. Brown
- Amy Byle
- Juan David Coronado
- C. Kurt Dewhurst
- Diane Doberneck
- Hiram E. Fitzgerald
- Ghada Georgis
- Teresa Herbowicz
- Pilar Horner
- Jean Kayitsinga
- Rex LaMore
- KyungSook Lee
- Rubén Martinez
- Miles A. McNall
- Daniel Velez Ortiz
- E. Beth Prince
- John H. Schweitzer
- Gretchen Sheneman
- Deborah Stoddard
- Laurie A. Van Egeren
- Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu
- Nai-Kuan Yang