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Miller, R. L., McNall, M. A., Mark, M. M., & Oral History Project Team. (2016). The Oral History of Evaluation: The Professional Development of William D. Crano. American Journal of Evaluation, 1098214016673903.
Fitzgerald, H. E., Van Egeren, L., & Bargerstock, B.A. (2018). Public research universities as engines for economic development and innovation. In A. Furco, R. Bruininks, R. J. Jones, & K. Kent (Eds.), Re-envisioning the public research university: Tensions and demands. New York, NY: Routledge.
Dewhurst, C. K., Hall, P., & Seemann, C. (2017). Folklife and museums: New perspectives for the 21st century. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Press.
Auslander, M. (2016, November 29). Slavery’s traces: In search of Ashley’s sack [Web log post]. Southern Spaces. Retrieved from
Byle, A. (2016, October). What America Ate archive invites public engagement around eating habits during the Great Depression. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (9)1.
Byle, A. (2016, September). Access to quality water in Detroit. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (11), 10-12.
Byle, A. (2016, September). Grand Learning Network: Helping teachers, students, and communities care for local places. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (11), 14-15.
Zapolski, T., Fisher, S., Hsu, W. W., & Barnes-Najor, J. (2016). What can parents do? Examining the role of parental support on the negative relationship between racial discrimination, depression, and drug use among African American youth. Clinical Psychological Science.
Fitzgerald, H. E., Van Egeren, L. A., Bargerstock, B. A., & Zientek, R. (2016). Community engagement scholarship, research universities, and the scholarship of integration. In J. Sachs and L. Clark (Eds.), Learning through community engagement: Vision and practice in higher education. Singapore: Springer.
Auslander, M. (2016). [Review of the exhibition Chief S.O. Alonge: Photographer to the Royal Court of Benin, Nigeria at the Smithsonian National Museum of African Arts]. African Arts, 49(1), 88-91. Retrieved from
Auslander, M. (2016). By iron possessed: Fabrice Monteiro’s Maroons: The fugitive slaves. African Arts, 49(3), 62-67. doi:
Barnes-Najor, J., Thompson, N., Belleau, A., Smith, T., Verdugo, M., Brown, P., & Sarche, M. (2016). Cultural and practice perspectives on the classroom assessment scoring system: Voices from American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start programs. Manuscript submitted for publication, Journal of Research in Childhood Education.
Byle, A. (2016, April). Healthier kids in Flint with CrimFit youth programming. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (8)4.
Byle, A. (2016, January). Capacity building in Detroit, Flint, and Lansing. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (10), 10-12.
Byle, A. (2016, January). The Quality Milk Alliance. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (10), 7-9.
Byle, A. (2016, January). The U.S. EDA Center for Regional Economic Innovation. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (10), 4-6.
Byle, A. (2016, January). UOE builds capacity for engagement scholarship among MSU students, faculty, and partners. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (10), 38-43.
Coronado, J. (2016). Beyond the requiem: Chicano pop culture and the Vietnam War. In R. Milam (Ed.). The Vietnam War in popular culture: The Influence of America's most controversial war on everyday life (Vol.1). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
Dewhurst, C. K., & MacDowell, M. (2016). Introduction. In O. Cadaval, S. Kim, & D. N'Diaye (Eds.), Curatorial conversations: Cultural representation and the Smithsonian Folklife Festival (pp. 3-10). Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.
Dewhurst, C. K., & Swanson, L. (2016). A commitment to textile traditions: The Michigan State University Museum. In M. MacDowell & L. Zhang (Eds.), Quilts of Southwest China (pp. 62-65). Nanning: Guangxi Museum of Nationalities with Michigan State University Museum and Indiana University Museum (US distributor). .
Dewhurst, C. K., & MacDowell, M. (2016). Michigan Traditional Arts Program: Michigan State University Museum and Michigan Council for the Arts [Special issue]. Journal of Folklore and Education, 3, 119-126. Retrieved from
Dewhurst, C. K., MacDowell M., Ramdhani, N., & N’Diaye, D. (in press). Cultural heritage of the new South Africa.
Dewhurst, C. K., MacDowell, M. (2016). Preface. In O. Cadaval, S. Kim and D. B. N’Diaye (Eds.) Curatorial conversations: Cultural representation and the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.
Doberneck, D. M. (2016). Are we there yet? Community engaged scholarship in the CIC’s reappointment, promotion, and tenure policies. Journal of Community Engaged Scholarship 9(1), 7-17. Retrieved from
Doberneck, D. M. (2016). Community-engaged scholarship in the CIC’s reappointment, promotion, and tenure policies. Journal of Community Engaged Scholarship 9(1), 7-17.
Publications by Person
- Hope Akaeze
- Burton A. Bargerstock
- Jessica V. Barnes-Najor
- Renee C. Brown
- Robert E. Brown
- Amy Byle
- Juan David Coronado
- C. Kurt Dewhurst
- Diane Doberneck
- Hiram E. Fitzgerald
- Ghada Georgis
- Teresa Herbowicz
- Pilar Horner
- Jean Kayitsinga
- Rex LaMore
- KyungSook Lee
- Rubén Martinez
- Miles A. McNall
- Daniel Velez Ortiz
- E. Beth Prince
- John H. Schweitzer
- Gretchen Sheneman
- Deborah Stoddard
- Laurie A. Van Egeren
- Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu
- Nai-Kuan Yang