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    Hassoun, R., Hughes, E., Farroukh, M., McNall, M., & Williams, K. P. (2013). A first look at chronic diseases and lifestyle behaviors among Arab and Chaldean Americans in Southeast Michigan. ACCESS Health Journal: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Communities. Dearborn, Michigan: ACCESS Community Health & Research Center.

    Perlstadt, H., Gasteyer, S., Hassoun, R., Nawyn, S., McNall, M., & Hamade, H. (2013). Health disparities between Arab and Chaldean Americans in Southeast Michigan and Michigan residents: Differences in access to health providers and insurance. ACCESS Health Journal: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Communities. Dearborn, Michigan: ACCESS Community Health & Research Center.

    Van Egeren, L. A. (2013, August). Michigan 21st CCLC programs promote healthier youth! fact sheet. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

    Van Egeren, L. A. (2013, August). Participation in Michigan 21st CCLC programs relates to improvement in academic outcomes fact sheet. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

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