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    Horner, P. (Fall 2012) [Review of the book Tomatoland: How modern industrial agriculture destroyed our most alluring fruit, by B. Estabrook]. NEXO: The Official Newsletter of the Julian Samora Research Institute, 16(1), 4.

    Horner, P. (Spring 2012). Summit on improving Latino educational achievement in Michigan. NEXO: The Official Newsletter of the Julian Samora Research Institute, 15(2), 5.

    Horner, P., Andrade, F., Delva, J., Grogan-Kaylor, A., & Castillo, M. (Spring 2012). The relationship of birth order and gender with academic standing and substance use among youth in Latin America. Journal of Individual Psychology, 68(1), 19-37.

    Horner, P., Castillo, M., Delva, J., & Sanchez, N. (2012). Parental perceptions of neighborhood effects in Latino comunas: The script of “the delinquent” in understanding drug use, violence, and social disorganization. Substance Use and Misuse, 47(7), 809-20. doi:10.3109/10826084.2012.671647.

    Hughes, A. K, Velez-Ortiz, D., & Horner, P. (2012). Academic, professional, and community outcomes of a faculty-mentored BASW research experience. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 17, 133-147.

    Hughes, A., Horner, P., & Vélez Ortiz, D. (Fall 2012). Being the diversity hire: Negotiating identity in an academic job search. Journal of Social Work Education, 48(3), 595-612. doi: 10.5175/JSWE.2012.201000101

    Kayitsinga, J. (2012). A Demographic profile of the Latino population in the United States and Michigan [Demography Report No. 6 September 2012]. The Julian Samora Research Institute.

    Li, S., Horner, P., Delva, J. (2012). Social capital and cigarette smoking among Latinos in the United States. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 3(1), 83.

    Ma, J., Horner, P., Han, Y., Grogan-Kaylor, A., Delva, J., & Castillo, M. (2012). Predictors of discordance among Chilean families. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health, 5(3), 325.

    Martinez, R. (2012). The turn toward incarceration in the U.S. and Michigan. NEXO: The Official Newsletter of the Julian Samora Research Institute, 15(2): 1, 17-23.

    Martinez, R., Horner, P. (2012). Hay que Sufrir para Sobrevivir: Suffering as a component of resilience. NEXO: The Official Newsletter of the Julian Samora Research Institute, 16(1): 1, 9, 17-21.

    Santiago, O., Martinez, R., & Eisenmann, J. (2012). Ethnic differences on the effect of mothers’ perception of child’s physical activity on child’s weight status: A focus on Hispanic children in the Midwest. In S. Jeanetta & C. Valdivia (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Annual Cambio de Colores Conference: Migration and Shifting Human Landscapes, June 8-10, 2011. Columbia, MO: Cambio de Colores Center, University of Missouri.

    Vélez Ortiz, D. (2012). [Review of the book Cultures of migration: The global nature of contemporary mobility by J. H. Cohen & I. Sirkeci]. NEXO: The Official Newsletter of the Julian Samora Research Institute, Fall 2012.

    Vélez Ortiz, D. (2012). [Review of the book Inside assisted living: The search for home by J. K. Eckert, P. C. Carder, A. C. Frankowski, & E. G. Roth]. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 55, 1-3.

    Vélez Ortiz, D. (2012). The case of an outpatient mental health clinic within a senior service organization. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 55, 503-518. doi: 10.1080/01634372.2012.673539

    Vélez Ortiz, D., Cross, S.L., & Day, A. (2012). Insightful learning of life’s lessons with older adult guests in the classroom. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 38, 868-880. doi: 10.1080/03601277.2012.660844

    Vélez Ortiz, D., Sosulski, M.R., & Sherwood, D.A. (2012). Competently mixing: Does a clinical practice cultural competence framework fit in mixed methods research? Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 6, 348-363. doi: 10.1177/1558689812445196

    Vega, A. & Martinez, R. (2012, January). A Latino scorecard on higher education: A focus on Texas public universities. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 11(1), 41-54.

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