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    Auslander, M. (2012). How families work: Love, labor and mediated oppositions in American domestic ritual. In P. Brown, et al. (Eds.), Applying Cultural Anthropology (9th edition). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

    Auslander, M. (2012). Witchcraft and sorcery: 1900 to present: Africa. In A. Stanton, E. Ramsamy, P. Seybolt, and C. Elliott (Eds.), Cultural sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: An encyclopedia (Vol. 4, pp.11402-11403). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi:

    Auslander, M. (2012, December). Enslaved labor and building the Smithsonian: Reading the stones. Southern Spaces.  Retrieved from

    Bargerstock, B. A. (2012). From the editor’s desk. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 16(3), 1-3.

    Bargerstock, B. A. (2012). Overview of the poster awards. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 16(3), 89-90.

    Byle, A. (2012, April). Morton Village Field School preserves the human story for future generations. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (4)4.

    Byle, A. (2012, December). Paving Michigan with quality, sustainable roadways. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (5)2.

    Byle, A. (2012, February). Mothers in Motion program promotes healthy lifestyle. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (4)3.

    Byle, A. (2012, October). Girls on the move in Michigan. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (5)1.

    Byle, A. (2012, September). Helping diverse job seekers “fit” into a tight job market. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (7), 6-7.

    Byle, A. (2012, September). Working across cultures to nurture healthy babies. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (7), 10-11.

    Carlson, J. S., Mackrain, M. M., Van Egeren, L. A., Brophy-Herb, H., Kirk, R., Marciniak, D., Falvay, S., Zheng, Y., Bender, S., & Tableman, B. (2012). Implementing a statewide early childhood mental health consultation approach to preventing child care expulsion. Infant Mental Health Journal, 33, 265-273.

    Coursaris, C. K., Sung, J., & Swierenga, S. J. (2012). Exploring antecedents of SMS-based mobile advertising perceptions. International Journal of Electronic Finance, 6(2), 143-156.

    Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012). Beyond activity, place, and partner: How publicly engaged scholarship varies by intensity of activity and degree of engagement. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 4, 18-28. Available at: of-activity-and-degree-of-engagement/

    Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012). Sometimes there are no notes: An autoethnographic essay of collaboration at the engagement interface. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 16(3): 55-83. Available at:

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Bradley, R. (Eds.). (2012). Paternal family relationships, child risk and child outcomes [Special issue of Family Science].

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Farrell, P. (2012). Fulfilling the promise: Creating a child development research agenda with Native communities. Child Development Perspectives, 6(1), 75-78. doi:10.1111/.1750-8606.2011.00216.x

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Simon, L. A. K. (2012). The world grant ideal and engagement scholarship. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 16(3), 33-55.

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Bruns, K., Sonka, S. T., Furco, A., & Swanson, L. (2012). Centrality of engagement in higher education. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 16(3), 7-27.

    Gerde, H., Barnes, J., Belleau, A., Rau, L, Farrell, P., Calcatera, M., Parrish, A., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2012). A systematic evaluation of the cultural content and language instruction in American Indian Head Start. Journal of American Indian Education, 51(2), 42-65.

    Gibson, C. (2012, September). Advancing our understanding of Muslim politics and religion. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (7), 12-13.

    Gibson, C. (2012, September). Being the change: MRULE. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (7), 14-15.

    Gibson, C. (2012, September). Clubhouses in Michigan: Including people with psychiatric disabilities. The Engaged Scholar Magazine, (7), 16-17.

    Hills, C. (2012, April). MSU viticulture research and Extension program builds strong engagement with Michigan grape and wine industry. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (4)4.

    Hills, C. (2012, April). Poetry in Motion gives Mid-Michigan CATA riders something to contemplate. The Engaged Scholar E-newsletter, (4)4.

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