Through community-based participatory evaluation and research, as well as educational programming for diverse audiences, the Office of University Outreach and Engagement is concerned with increasing the capacity of internal and external partners to provide quality educational opportunities to all of Michigan’s citizens.
A selection of UOE projects and resources is listed here.
Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP)
University Outreach and Engagement and the MSU Detroit Center have continued to support and host multiple events with DA
University Outreach and Engagement and the MSU Detroit Center sponsor and host multiple programs through Detroit College
Diversity Assessment and Engagement Program
The Diversity Assessment and Engagement Program is a certificate-granting diversity leadership program designed for mid-
Gifted and Talented Education Programs
The mission of the Gifted and Talented Education office is to provide educational experiences that allow gifted students
Great Start Readiness Program State Evaluation
Michigan's Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is a state-funded preschool program for 4-year-old children with fac
Michigan GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) is a statewide collaborative effort
Michigan Science Olympiad State Tournament
Science Olympiad is a co-curricular educational program with a mission to inspire the next generation of scientists, hea
Michigan State University Science Festival
The MSU Science Festival is a multiday series of events that takes place annually in April. It highlights science, techn
MSU Detroit Center Pre-College Programs
The MSU Detroit Center hosted its first Pre-College Open House in March 2014. Since then, multiple MSU colleges and unit
MSU in the 313 College Experience Scholarship
University Outreach and Engagement and the MSU Detroit Center maintain a scholarship fund and ongoing campaign to provid
This evaluation project examines the implementation, quality, and impacts of 12 publicly funded preschool classrooms for
Tribal Early Childhood Research Center
The Tribal Early Childhood Research Center (TRC) is a collaborative effort between the University of Colorado, Michigan
Upward Bound (UB) is a family of scholars who are committed to preparing high school students for successful transition
Urban Learning and Leadership Collaborative (ULLC) Focus: HOPE
MSU is one of the three research university partners (along with Wayne State University and the University of Michigan)
The Wiba Anung (Early Star) project is a partnership between researchers at Michigan State University and the University