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Gifted and Talented Education Programs

The mission of the Gifted and Talented Education office is to provide educational experiences that allow gifted students to develop intellectually, cultivate social relationships, and expand their understanding of the world. Programs include:

  • CHAMP (Cooperative Highly Accelerated Mathematics Program) provides classroom instruction for qualified mathematically gifted students in grades 7-10. CHAMP is designed so that the participating students will learn the content assigned in Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE)-aligned four-year high school mathematics curriculum in two years.

    CHAMP Partners: MSU Department of Mathematics. CHAMP also exists as an outreach program in various Southeast Michigan locations.
  • ISHALL (Intensive Studies in Humanities, Arts, Language, and Literature) is designed so that the participating students will learn the content assigned in Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE)-aligned four-year high school English curriculum and national core curriculum standards in two years.

    ISHALL Partners: MSU Departments of English and Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures. The faculty from both departments have assisted in developing the curriculum, and many continue to teach in the programs. ISHALL also exists as an outreach program in various Southeast Michigan locations.
  • ALL (Latin) – Amo Linguam Latinam (I Love Latin!) is a two-year program offering class activities that provide students with a conceptual and theoretical framework for the mastery of the goal areas for classical language learning: communication, culture, connections, comparisons, and communities. Discussions of language are anchored in topics of Roman and medieval culture, as well as in conversations about linguistics and the role of Latin in shaping English as a language. Students may register and take the AP Latin exam through their own high school at the end of their second year.

    ALL (Latin) Partner: MSU Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
  • MANGA: Japanese (Michigan’s Accelerated NihonGo for Americans) is designed so that participating students can complete in three years the Japanese language content assigned in the Michigan High School Content Expectations (HSCE) for all four years of high school as well as meet the Common Core National Standards. Semesters 1-4 of the GATE Japanese program correspond to one year of high school Japanese; semesters 5-6 correspond to a high school AP Japanese course.

    MANGA: Japanese Partner: Office of University Outreach and Engagement
  • GUPPY (Gifted University for Parents and Precocious Youth) is designed to allow young gifted and talented students to spend time at Michigan State University attending classes taught by MSU faculty and staff. This GATE program offers young gifted students a variety of accelerated exploratory educational presentations and hands-on experiences in MSU’s laboratories and classrooms. Each student participates in a track that has a variety of STEAM-based classes. This program is available to students in grades 2-6.

    GUPPY Partners: MSU’s Abram’s Planetarium, the FRIB-Facility for Rare Isotype Beams, College of Human Medicine, Learning and Assessment Center, Astronomy, Environmental Science, WKAR, IMPACT 89FM, Vet Med, Pharmacology, College of Nursing, School of Packaging, Fisheries and Wildlife, MSU Libraries, and the College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • MST@MSU (Math, Science and Technology at Michigan State University) is a one-week summer program for academically talented students who are currently in grades 7and 8. The program has been designed to stimulate students to learn about new developments in mathematics, science, and technology, and to explore related career fields.

    MST@MSU Partners: The Facility for Rare Isotype Beams (FRIB) at MSU, MSU Community Music School, the MSU Department of Kinesiology, and MSU Culinary Services.
  • MSTL (Math, Science, Technology, and Leadershipis a one-week summer program for academically talented students who are currently in grades 9 and 10. The program has been designed to stimulate students to learn about new developments in mathematics, science, and technology, and to explore related career fields. Students also take one leadership workshop which will introduce them to concepts and skills required to be a leader in STEM fields.

    MSTL Partners: MSTL currently employees faculty from MSU Colleges of Physics and Astronomy, Natural Sciences and the FRIB-Facility for Rare Isotype Beams.
  • Intensive Studies for Gifted and Talented (IS4GT) is a one-week advanced program in a specific concentrated curriculum for gifted and talented students. Classes focus on one main topic for the week. Intensives have been offered in the following subjects, but options change yearly:
    • Intensive Study in pre-med
    • Calculus-The Foundation of Modern Science

IS4GT Partners: MSU Department of Criminal Justice, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, College of Osteopathic Medicine, College of Nursing, and College of Human Medicine, Learning and Assessment Center 

  • Dual Enrollment allows a high school student to take at least one course at his or her high school while taking one or more college courses at MSU. Students must check with their local school districts for additional information on
    qualifying tests. 

    Dual Enrollment Partners: Michigan Department of Education and MSU Admissions Office


Funders: MSU tuition paid in part by the local school district and/or parent.


Susan L. Sheth

Director, Gifted and Talented Education

Gifted and Talented Education

Bilodeau, Jessica

Associate Director, Gifted and Talented Education

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