(June 2021)
Relational developmental systems, ACES and trauma-informed care
Fitzgerald, H. E. (June, 2021), Relational developmental systems, ACES and trauma-informed care. In Symposium (H. E. Fitzgerald, Chair), Infant mental health, ACES and trauma-informed care. World Association for Infant Mental Health Biennial World Congress, Brisbane, NSW. Australia.
(June 2021)
Fathers and the organization of risk and resilience in boys, prenatal to preschool
Fitzgerald, H. E. (June, 2021). Fathers and the organization of risk and resilience in boys, prenatal to preschool. Invited Master Lecture, World Association for Infant Mental Health Biennial World Congress, Brisbane, NSW. Australia.
(May 2021)
Development of violence in males: Why fathers matter
Fitzgerald, H. E. (May, 2021). Development of violence in males: Why fathers matter. Paper presented at Town and Gown, East Lansing, MI
(February 2021)
Fathers and Children’s Mental Health
Webinar: Fathers and Children’s Mental Health. Fitzgerald, H. E., Godleski, S., von Klitzing, K., White, L., & Fletcher, R. World Association for Infant Mental Health and Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. February 26, 2021.
(February 2021)
Fathers and Children’s Social and Behavior Regulation
Webinar: Fathers and Children’s Social and Behavior Regulation. Fitzgerald, H. E., Bergmann, S., Cabrera, N., Meuwissen, A. World Association for Infant Mental Health and Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada. February 19, 2021 -
(May 2019)
Better Together: Strengthening the effectiveness of an Infant Mental Health Intervention in a System of Care in Western Australia
Matacz, R., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (May 5, 2019). Better Together: Strengthening the effectiveness of an Infant Mental Health Intervention in a System of Care in Western Australia. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health. Ypsilanti, MI
(May 2019)
Boys and Violence: A Developmental Systems Perspective on Early Origins
Fitzgerald, H. E. (May 3, 2019). Boys and Violence: A Developmental Systems Perspective on Early Origins. Plenary address presented at the Santa Fe Boys Educational Foundation conference on Early Origins of Violence in Males. Santa Fe, NM.
(July 2018)
Defining the limits of technology-based tools for stroke patients and caregivers
Freddolino, P., & Swierenga, S., Woodward, A., Lounds, N., Fitzgerald, J., Coursaris, C. K., Hughes, A., Fritz, M., & Reeves, M. (2018). Defining the limits of technology-based tools for stroke patients and caregivers. Presented at Social Work, Education and Social Development Conference, July 4-7, Dublin, Ireland.
(May 2018)
Michigan collaborative for infant mental health research: Provides, consumers & evaluators working together to build an evidence base for IMH practice
Julian, M., Muzik, M., Rosenblum, K., Ribaudo, J., Brophy-Herb, H. E., Fitzgerald, H. E., Huth-Bocks, A., Jester, J., Lawler, J. M., Niec, L., Spicer, P., Stacks, A., Van Egeren, L., & Weatherston, D. (2018). Michigan collaborative for infant mental health research: Provides, consumers & evaluators working together to build an evidence base for IMH practice. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.
(May 2018)
Father involvement in child development: Why do so many sons grow up to be so violent?
Fitzgerald. H. E. (May, 2018). Father involvement in child development: Why do so many sons grow up to be so violent? Invited address as part of Plenary Interface: Fathers and Sons (Moderator, R. Latia). Biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.
(May 2018)
Infant mental health and public policy
Weatherston, D., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (May, 2018). Infant mental health and public policy. In Invited Symposium on International Perspectives on Public Policy and Infant Mental Health (Chairs, H. E. Fitzgerald & C. Mcguire). Presented at the biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Rome, Italy.
(March 2018)
Engaged Scholarship and Higher Education: Broader Impacts through Community Engagement
Fitzgerald, H. E. (Mar. 2018). Engaged Scholarship and Higher Education: Broader Impacts through Community Engagement. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University
(April 2017)
Using engaged scholarship and developmental systems framework to move forward AI/AN early childhood development research
Barnes-Najor, J. V., Lee, K., Cameron, A., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2017, April 6-8). Using engaged scholarship and developmental systems framework to move forward AI/AN early childhood developmental research. In R. McCall (Chair), Developmental science, community engagement scholarship, and systemic engagement. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
(April 2017)
Comments on developmental science and society: Factors in successful university-community engagement projects for children
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2017, April 6-8). Comments on developmental science and society: Factors in successful university-community engagement projects for children. In R. McCall (Chair), Developmental science, community engagement scholarship, and systemic engagement. Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX.
(November 2016)
Critical reflections on a changing world of infant mental health
Fitzgerald, H. E., & Priddis, L. (2016, November). Critical reflections on a changing world of infant mental health. Invited presentation at the annual meeting of the Western Australian Association for Infant Mental Health, Subiaco, Western Australia.
(October 2016)
Can five year olds be alcoholics? An infant mental health perspective
Fitzgerald, H. E., & Zucker, R. A. (2016, October). Can five year olds be alcoholics? An infant mental health perspective. Invited address at the Edith Cowan University Public Lecture, Mount Lawley Campus, Perth, Western Australia.
(October 2016)
A community systems approach for an early childhood system of care
Fitzgerald. H. E. (2016, October). A community systems approach for an early childhood system of care. Invited address at the meeting of Western Australia Primary Health Alliance, East Perth, Western Australia.
(October 2016)
Launching Western Australia’s Infant Mental Health Endorsement Workforce Development Initiative
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2016, October). Launching Western Australia’s Infant Mental Health Endorsement Workforce Development Initiative. Wanneroo, Western Australia.
(October 2016)
Alcoholic fathers and the organization of risk and identity in sons
Fitzgerald, H. E., & Zucker, R. A. (2016, October). Alcoholic fathers and the organization of risk and identity in sons. Invited address at the TelefoneKids Institute, Perth, Western Australia.
(October 2016)
Parental alcohol use disorder effects on preschool age children creates etiologic pathways of risk
Fitzgerald, H. E., & Zucker, R. A. (2016, October). Parental alcohol use disorder effects on preschool age children creates etiologic pathways of risk. Invited address at the WA Mental Health Commission, Perth, Western Australia.
(October 2016)
Community engagement scholarship: Engaging disadvantaged families
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2016, October). Community engagement scholarship: Engaging disadvantaged families. Invited presentation to faculty of the ECU School of Nursing and Midwifery, Joondalup, Western Australia.
(October 2016)
Trauma and boys: Origins of psychopathology
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2016, October). Trauma and boys: Origins of psychopathology. Invited presentation at the Edith Cowan University Twilight Session for Early Childhood Practitioners, Mount Lawley Campus, Perth, Western Australia.
(May 2016)
Symposium on international perspectives on fathers and infant mental health
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2016, May). Chair and discussant, Symposium on international perspectives on fathers and infant mental health. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the World Association of Infant Mental Health, Prague, Czech Republic.
(May 2016)
Graduate education in infancy is strengthened by community partnerships
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2016, May). Graduate education in infancy is strengthened by community partnerships. In L. Priddis (Chair), Building workforce capacity in infant mental health: Three tertiary education training models. Presented at the biennial meeting of the World Association of Infant Mental Health, Prague, Czech Republic.
(March 2016)
Community engagement scholarship: Impacts, metrics and benchmarks of change
Fitzgerald, H. E. (2016, March). Community engagement scholarship: Impacts, metrics and benchmarks of change. Invited address presented at University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.