Back to Fitzgerald, Hiram E.


  • (March 2016)

    Boys to men: Challenges on the risk to resilience continuum

    Fitzgerald, H. E. (2016, March). Boys to men: Challenges on the risk to resilience continuum.  Invited workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health, East Lansing, MI.

  • (December 2015)

    Initiating partnerships

    Van Egeren, L. A., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Visiting International Professional Program seminar, Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (November 2015)

    A community based participatory research partnership: Perceptions of children’s adaptive behaviors in Tribal Head Start programs

    Lee, K. S., Fitzgerald, H. E., Barnes-Najor, J., Gerde, H., Belleau, A., & Farrell, P.

    Workshop presented at the Santa Fe Boys Educational Foundation Conference on the Psychology of Boys at Risk

    Santa Fe, New Mexico

  • (November 2015)

    Head Start teachers’ ratings of American Indian children’s adaptive behaviors

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Lee, K., Barnes-Najor, J. V., Gerde, H., Belleau, A., & Farrell, P.

    Poster accepted for presentation at the Santa Fe Boys Educational Foundation Conference on the Psychology of Boys at Risk: Indicators from 0-5

    Santa Fe, New Mexico

  • (November 2015)

    Boys at risk: Biological and experiential influences on intersubjectivity and the origins of self

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Presented at the conference on The Psychology of Boys at Risk

    Santa Fe, New Mexico

  • (October 2015)

    Achieving Broader Impacts through Community Engagement Scholarship

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Presented at the Workshop on Building an Institutional Framework for Faculty Success

    Chicago, Illinois

  • (October 2015)

    Effects of IMH home-based EHS services

    Schiffman, R. F., McKelvey, L. M., Brophy-Herb, H. E., Bocknek, E. L., Fitzgerald, H. E., Reischl, T. M., Hawver, S., & DeLuca, M. C.

    Poster presented at the 2015 Special Topics Conference, Emerging Approaches to Family Health Research across the Lifespan. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science

    Washington, D.C.

  • (October 2015)

    Community engagement scholarship, systems change and broader impact

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address, National Alliance on Broader Impacts Conference on Broader Impacts

    Chicago, Illinois

  • (October 2015)

    Advancing knowledge and transforming lives through scholarship-driven community engagement

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address, University of Missouri

    Columbia, Missouri

  • (September 2015)

    Systemic engagement: Universities as partners in systemic approaches to community change

    McNall, M., Barnes-Najor, J., Brown, R. E., Doberneck, D. M., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Paper presented at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Annual Conference

    University Park, Pennsylvania

  • (September 2015)

    Challenges to public higher education: Local-global tensions and potential resolutions

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Bargerstock, B. A., & Van Egeren, L. A.

    Paper presented at the Engagement Scholarship Conference

    College Park, Pennsylvania

  • (July 2015)

    International partnerships and community engagement scholarship

    Hanson, S., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited presentation at the joint summer meeting of the APLU Council on Engagement and Outreach/Commission on International Initiatives

    Estes Park, Colorado

  • (April 2015)

    Community engagement scholarship and sustainable community partnerships

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited Colloquium at East Carolina University

    Greenville, North Carolina

  • (March 2015)

    Associations between African American men’s perceptions of the role of fathering role on their parenting quality with young children

    Raveau, H., Bocknek, E., Fitzgerald, H. E., Brophy-Herb, H., & Dayton, C.

    In E. Bocknek (Chair), African American fathers of young children: Perspectives on father involvement, role development, ad resilience

    Symposium conducted at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research and Child Development

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

  • (March 2015)

    Community engagement scholarship: Aligning to institutional mission and partnering to achieve sustainable change

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited colloquium at University of North Georgia

    Gainesville, Georgia

  • (February 2015)

    Community engagement scholarship: Aligning to institutional mission and partnering to achieve sustainable change

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited colloquium presented at University of California-Davis

    Davis, California

  • (February 2015)

    Systemic engagement: Building university-community partnerships for systems change

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address at the Extramural Associates Research Development Award Symposium, Fresno State University

    Fresno, California

  • (February 2015)

    Building university-community partnerships for mutual benefit: Community based participatory research approaches

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address at the Extramural Associates Research Development Award Symposium, Fresno State University

    Fresno, California

  • (February 2015)

    Aligning community engagement scholarship to institutional mission and values

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address at the Extramural Associates Research Development Award Symposium, Fresno State University

    Fresno, California

  • (January 2015)

    Teamwork and collaboration in research at leading through teamwork: How to be a successful professional

    Fitzgerald, H. F., Doberneck, D. M., Loebick, K., Rice, J. M., Smith, M. C., MacIntosh, A., & Carmichael, C.

    The Graduate School

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (December 2014)

    The risk to resilience continuum: A boy’s journey from conception to three

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address at the Annual meeting of the Zero to Three

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • (November 2014)

    Fathers and sons and the risk-resilience continuum

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address at the conference on Parenting at Risk, Society for Research on Child Development

    San Diego, California

  • (November 2014)

    ITEC TechTransport roll-out

    Riley, K., Fitzgerald, H. E., Knight, B., Bernero, V., Caamal Canul, Y., Dean, K., & Tarpoff, D.

    Lansing, Michigan

  • (October 2014)

    Scholarship-focused engagement: Aligning administration to mission

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Bargerstock, B. A.

    Invited video conference presentation for faculty of the Sustainability Institute, Pennsylvania State University

    State College, Pennsylvania

  • (September 2014)

    University outreach and engagement at Michigan State University

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Van Egeren, L.A., Bargerstock, B.A., Barnes Najor, J.V., & Brown, R.E.

    Invited presentation for Tony Baker, Ferris State University

    Grand Rapids, Michigan