Back to Fitzgerald, Hiram E.


  • (May 2013)

    Systems change metrics and program outcome indicators: Challenges for transformational and systemic change

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Brown, R. E., McNall, M., & Barnes-Najor, J. V.

    Presented at the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

    Barcelona, Spain

  • (May 2013)

    Blending CCIs, projects, collective impact, and evidence-based practices to achieve system and program outcomes

    Fitzgerald, H., Brown, R. E., McNall, M., & Barnes, J. V.

    Paper presented at the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

    Barcelona, Spain

  • (April 2013)

    Predictors of early academic skills in native children

    Barnes, J. V., Belleau, A., Suggitt, A., McCleellan, J., Gerde, H., Lee, K.S., Farrell, P., Thompson, N., & Fitzgerald, H.

    Paper presented at the 5th International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health

    Portland, Oregon

  • (April 2013)

    University-community partnerships: Looking for collective impact

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Solis, I.

    Invited plenary address at Minority Health Summit: Health Equity through Community Partnerships

    Toledo, Ohio

  • (April 2013)

    Preparing Michigan for jobs of the 21st century: Talent development, local to global

    Brophy-Herb, H., Fitzgerald, H. E., Farrell, P., Barnes-Najor, J., Gerde, H., Belleau, A., Lee, K., McNall, M., Van Egeren, L. A., Horodynski, M., & Vallotton, C.

    Community-University Partnerships Invested in the Future

    Lansing, Michigan

  • (March 2013)

    Introduction to outreach and engagement: Community-based research—Centrality of engaged scholarship at Michigan State

    Fitzgerald, H. F., Doberneck, D. M., & et. al.

    Faculty and Organizational Development Workshop, Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (March 2013)

    Successful scholarship: Grantwriting and publishing engaged scholarship

    Barnes-Najor, J., Van Egeren, L. A., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Graduate Certification in Community Engagement, Michigan State University

    East Lansing, Michigan

  • (February 2013)

    Advancing transformative engagement

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address presented at the Annual Community Engagement Conference, University of Auburn

    Auburn, Alabama

  • (February 2013)

    Establishing and maintaining university-community partnerships through engagement scholarship: Community-university partnerships and engagement scholarship - epistemological and international frameworks

    Fitzgerald, H. E. & Bargerstock, B. A.

    Invited presentation for faculty of Texas Tech University

    Lubbock, Texas

  • (February 2013)

    Establishing and maintaining university-community partnerships through engagement scholarship: Complex problems and systemic approaches to change

    Fitzgerald, H. E., & Bargerstock, B. A.

    Invited presentation for faculty of Texas Tech University

    Lubbock, Texas

  • (February 2013)

    Advancing transformative engagement

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited plenary address at the Outreach Scholarship Symposium, Auburn University

    Auburn, Alabama

  • (February 2013)

    Measuring engagement scholarship

    Bargerstock, B. & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address, Texas Tech University

    Lubbock, Texas

  • (February 2013)

    Establishing and maintaining university-community partnerships through engagement scholarship: Measuring engagement scholarship

    Bargerstock, B. A. & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited presentation for faculty of Texas Tech University

    Lubbock, Texas

  • (October 2012)

    Contextual influences on children’s performance in Tribal Head State programs

    Fitzgerald, H. E., Miliciviute, I., Lee, K-S, Barnes-Najor, J. V., Belleau, A., Farrell, P., & Gerde, H.

    Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Native Children’s Research Exchange

    Denver, Colorado

  • (October 2012)

    Implementing community based engagement scholarship

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited leadership workshop presented at Leadership through Engagement: Impacting our Communities Conference, Montana State University

    Bozman, Montana

  • (October 2012)

    Engagement scholarship and the 21st century land grant university

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Plenary address presented at Leadership through Engagement: Impacting our Communities Conference, Montana State University

    Bozman, Montana

  • (October 2012)

    Father impacts: Evidence from birth to five and beyond

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Maryland

    College Park, Maryland

  • (October 2012)

    Fathers and child development: Set points for risk and resilience

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the Ontario Association for Infant Mental Health

    Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada

  • (October 2012)

    Building a sustained partnership with Michigan’s Tribal Head Start Programs through community based participatory research

    Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited address presented at the annual meeting of the Ontario Association for Infant Mental Health

    Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada

  • (October 2012)

    Family substance use and Head Start teacher’s perceptions of children’s behavior

    Lee, K.-S., Fitzgerald, H. E., Barnes-Najor, J. V., Bellow, A., Farrell, P., & Gerde, H.

    Poster presented at the 6th International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education

    Barcelona, Spain

  • (October 2012)

    Family substance use and Head Start teacher’s perceptions of children’s behavior

    Lee, K.-S., Fitzgerald, H. E., Barnes-Najor, J. V., Bellow, A., Farrell, P., & Gerde, H.

    Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Native Children’s Research Exchange

    Denver, Colorado

  • (October 2012)

    Infant mental health: Building social-emotional relationships between infants and caregivers

    Paradis, N., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Invited preconference workshop presented at the 6th International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Communities

    Dearborn, Michigan

  • (October 2012)

    American Indian children’s school readiness

    Barnes-Najor, J. V., Thompson, N., Gerde, H., Belleau, A., Farrell, P., Lee, K-S., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Native Children’s Research Exchange

    Denver, Colorado

  • (October 2012)

    A review of the CLASS in AI/AN Head Start and Early Head Start programs

    Barnes-Najor, J. V., Gerde, H., Farrell, P., Lee, K-S., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Native Children’s Research Exchange

    Denver, Colorado

  • (September 2012)

    The OEMI: Defining, implementing, and measuring engagement scholarship

    Bargerstock, B., & Fitzgerald, H. E.

    Four invited workshops presented to executive management administrators at the University of Minnesota

    Minneapolis, Minnesota