4-H Children's Gardens

The 4-H Children's Gardens provide field trips and field trip resources to over 14,000 students annually.  Explore how you can connect to this resource to deliver your broader impacts.

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Youth/K-12 programs and partnerships  
  • Communication to public

Contact: Michigan 4-H Children's Gardens (garden4h@msu.edu)

Abrams Planetarium

Abrams Planetarium in the center of campus has a fully digital projection system that allows for immersive environments to teach a variety of topics beyond astronomy. We do this through fulldome video, 360 degree photographs and videos, and using 3-D models. We have already worked with faculty and staff from the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum; Biochemistry; Art, Art History, and Design; and the Cylcotron.

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Communication to public
  • Youth/K-12 programs and partnerships
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations  

Contact: Shannon Schmoll (schmoll@pa.msu.edu)

Facility for Rare Isotope Beams

The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) enables scientists to make discoveries about the properties of rare isotopes (that is, short-lived nuclei not normally found on Earth), nuclear astrophysics, fundamental interactions, and applications for society, including in medicine, homeland security, and industry. FRIB offers tours and public events for all ages, and summer camps and programs for middle and high school students and high school teachers.

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Youth/K-12 programs and partnerships
  • Undergraduate or graduate student learning
  • Increasing opportunities for underrepresented groups
  • Communication to public

Contact: Zach Constan (constan@nscl.msu.edu)

W.K. Kellogg Biological Station

The W.K. Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) is Michigan State University's largest off-campus education complex and one of North America’s premier inland experimental field stations. KBS supports field experimental research in aquatic and terrestrial ecology that takes advantage of the diverse managed and unmanaged ecosystems. A main focus of KBS outreach is providing resources and professional development for local K-12 teachers.

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Youth/K-12 programs and partnerships
  • Undergraduate or graduate student learning
  • Increasing opportunities for underrepresented groups
  • Communication to public

Contact: Misty Klotz (klotzmis@msu.edu)

MSU Museum

The MSU Museum aims to engage and inspire campus and community through science and culture. The Museum is one of the earliest established museums in the nation and has continued to preserve collections and serve learners since its opening on the campus in 1857. We are committed to exploring ways to integrate scientific and humanistic understandings of our changing world and our place within it.

View ideas on how to engage the public with the MSU Museum

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Communication to public
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations
  • Undergraduate or graduate student learning

Contact: Denice Blair (dblair@msu.edu)

MSU Science Festival

The mission of the MSU Science Festival is to celebrate the many ways  science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (the STEAM disciplines) touch our everyday lives and shape our future, broaden public access to informal learning environments, create meaningful direct interactions with scientists, and inspire the workforce of the future.

Goals of the Festival are:

  • Provide a rare opportunity for people of all ages to experience STEAM live and discover new concepts through hands-on experiences and face-to-face interactions with faculty, staff, and students
  • Inspire future generations about STEAM fields and opportunities
  • Promote MSU as a champion of STEAM outreach and research across the state
  • Provide a platform for faculty, staff, and students to develop and hone informal science communication skills
  • Create networking opportunities with other scientific, cultural, and educational institutions

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Communication to public
  • Youth/K-12 programs and partnerships
  • Partnerships with other public groups

Contact: Katherine Hagman (hagmanka@msu.edu)

Spartan Youth Programs

Michigan State University's Spartan Youth Programs offer a wide range of exciting opportunities for youth to improve their knowledge and skills in specific subject areas. Programs are available to serve all age ranges from pre-kindergarten to high school.

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Youth/K-12 programs and partnerships
  • Increasing opportunities for underrepresented groups

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