Biomedical Research Informatics Core

The Biomedical Research Informatics Core (BRIC) delivers on the data needs of investigators in a scalable and affordable way by addressing the following areas: data management plans, human subjects protection, resource/facilities, databases, and data management and storage.

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Grantwriting and support

Contact: Jonathan Babbage (

Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute

The term “Translational Research" can have different meanings for various individuals and groups. At MSU-CTSI we attempt to engage the entire scope of translational research, as this is a natural extension of the land-grant mission of MSU. CTSI assists with the development, implementation, management, and completion of clinical health research (i.e., investigator-initiated research, clinical trials etc.) conducted at MSU and through its community partner network; expedites the research administration process and facilitates research compliance.

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Grantwriting and support

Contact: Marianne Chaps (

Diversity Research Network - Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives

The Diversity Research Network (DRN) connects faculty of color and scholars interested in diversity research, to create scholarly communities, facilitate new interdisciplinary collaborations, and advance the growth and visibility of research by underrepresented faculty as well as research on diversity across MSU. The DRN emphasizes MSU’s value of diversity as excellence across all disciplines, and promotes this value through the support and resources it offers. The DRN is a support vehicle for enhancing research productivity, mentoring, and training emphasizing the unique research contexts of faculty of color and diversity scholars, grant and publication output, and meaningful collaborative research opportunities.

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Increasing opportunities for underrepresented groups
  • Grantwriting and support
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations

Contact: Lisa Fuentes (

Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER)

ICER provides cyberinfrastructure that connects researchers in academia and industry with advanced computational systems and tools. ICER supports multidisciplinary research in all facets of computational and data science by providing access to training, consulting, hardware and software infrastructure solutions.


Institute for Public Policy and Social Research

The Institute for Public Policy and Social Research applies research to pressing public policy issues and builds problem-solving relationships between the academic and policymaker communities. The Institute:

  • Promotes and conducts research on issues of public policy
  • Provides survey research services
  • Produces public policy education and training programs
  • Initiates discussion of society's most pressing needs among diverse audiences

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Partnerships with other public groups
  • Communication to public
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations

Contact: Arnold Weinfeld (

Office of Research and Innovation

The Office of Research and Innovation supports MSU’s research and creative activity by administering research funding, ensuring research integrity for both faculty and students, providing grant support services, fostering collaboration, licensing university inventions, and overseeing regulatory compliance.

Broader Impacts Areas

  • Grantwriting and support
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations

Contact: Sara Steenrod (

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