February 22, 2022
Sharper Focus / Wider Lens presents: Reflecting on Democracy
Democracy is one of our nation's most cherished tenets and is valued by many around the globe. Continuing and growing doubts about the resiliency of democratic institutions have shaken governments and their citizens alike. This panel will look at the challenges of democracy including misinfomation, violence, and dysfunction.
This program is part of the Sharper Focus / Wider Lens series of the Michigan State University Honers College.
Matt Grossman
Professor, Department of Political Science
Director, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research
Guido Parietti
Asistant Professor, James Madison College
Glen Staszewski
Professor, College of Law
Monique Turner
Professor and Chair, Department of Communication
Michael Wahman
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science
Christopher Long
Dean, College of Arts and Letters
Dean, Honors College
To register for the Zoom event, please visit: https://msu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIoceqtqj4pHdw766A546HiqXQzDxibYuXm.