Registration is now open for the "2022 Innovation Forum: Bridging Technologies and Market Needs,” held virtually on February 25-26, 2022.

It is sponsored by the Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD), a multidisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners from around the world committed to improving global health by reducing the spread of infectious diseases through early diagnosis. 

The focus of this symposium is to serve as a marketplace where innovative technologies can match the customers’ needs. Through this symposium, you will have the opportunity to meet and learn from people worldwide so that we can come together to develop solutions to help those in low-resource populations, prevent future pandemics, and save lives. In partnership with Biosensors (IF 5.519), we are putting a special issue for papers that have been presented at this symposium.

Researchers around the world will come together to collaborate and learn about the following themes:

  • Antimicrobial resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship
  • Prevention of Future Pandemics
  • Nano/micro/bulk plastic and the circular economy
  • Food Systems, Safety and Security

There are five main activities during the forum:

  •  Innovation Challenge on February 25 – participants will be assigned in groups, and each group is given a global problem to brainstorm and propose an innovative solution. Each group then presents their solution in the form of a 3-min elevator pitch. The top teams will win prizes for their elevator pitches. Register by February 9th to participate.
  • Scientific sessions – pre-recorded presentations, live talks, and live panel discussions on the themes of the symposium.  
  • Poster presentations (with awards for undergraduate students and graduate students for their 3-minute flash talks). Professionals can submit posters, but the 3-minute flash talk awards for the posters are only for undergraduate and graduate students. 
  • Networking and collaboration
  • Free short courses on Nanotechnology, Biosensors, R Programming and Entrepreneurship for Scientists.


Register at:

Individuals who are interested in speaking, participating in a panel, submitting a pre-recorded presentation, submitting a poster, or participating in the innovation challenge, they must register by February 18th, 2022. 


For further information, please contact Chelsie Boodoo, at:

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