Organizing Meeting for the Learning Community: 12:00-1:00 p.m. | Zoom
Adaptability and innovation in feminist qualitative community-engaged research will be vital to research, pedagogy, and co-curricular programs that support and engage both scholars and community leaders. While the changes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and other types of disruptions can pose significant limitations to scholars who rely on building relationships within communities, they also present opportunities to cultivate methodological innovations. This Learning Community will discuss social science methods of inquiry useful to: 1) the reframing of research, especially from in-person to virtual spaces, 2) mentoring students in redefining thesis and dissertation projects rather than finding replacement projects, and 3) enhancing community and practitioner partnerships to support networks through crises.
This is an active learning community focused on exploration and dialogue. We are committed to the dynamic and collaborative development of final products. (This is not a passive learning environment like a traditional brown bag series or pre-recorded webinar series).
Register here for the Organizing Meeting, where we will discuss expectations, end products, and set meeting dates for the year-long learning community. 


Chelsea Wentworth, Department of Community Sustainability
Jessica Barnes-Najor, University Outreach and Engagement
Heather Howard, Department of Anthropology
Diane Doberneck, University Outreach and Engagement