Sites of Exchange and Collaboration in Art Practice and Education

Wednesday, May 19, 2021
4:00 - 5:30 pm Eastern

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You are invited to IA's Teaching and Learning Circle webinar with artist, educator, and agitator Robin Hill.

Hill will explore the collaborative work she has enacted in her professional practice as well as the work of her students and ideas of site-specificity and sense perception. She will be joined by guest speaker Cathy Koehler, resident Director of the McLaughlin Reserve, an important wilderness research resource for Hill's teaching and practice alike.

Participants will be invited to engage with presenters and these critical topics during the session. Registrants are welcome to share questions they would like to discuss at the time of registration.


Picture of speaker Robin HillRobin Hill
Acting as an artist, visualizer, facilitator, gleaner, agitator, conduit, re-arranger, host, fermenter, forager, optimist, collaborator, educator, seed-bag-carrier, and transmitter, Hill focuses on the intersection between drawing, photography, and sculpture. Learn more



Picture of speaker Cathy KoehlerCathy Koehler
Koehler has been with the UC Natural Reserve System since 2002, first as co-Director and currently as Director of the McLaughlin Natural Reserve. Prior to this, she taught and conducted research in field stations across western North America and internationally. Learn more



About Imagining America

The Imagining America consortium (IA) brings together scholars, artists, designers, humanists, and organizers to imagine, study, and enact a more just and liberatory ‘America’ and world. Working across institutional, disciplinary, and community divides, IA strengthens and promotes public scholarship, cultural organizing, and campus change that inspires collective imagination, knowledge-making, and civic action on pressing public issues. By dreaming and building together in public, IA creates the conditions to shift culture and transform inequitable institutional and societal structures. Michigan State University is an instituional member of IA.

About the IA Teaching and Learning Circle

The IA Teaching and Learning Circle (TLC) is an online learning community that builds peer support and conversations about the opportunities, joys, and challenges of producing public and activist scholarship, and designing and delivering community-engaged courses and projects. Organized and facilitated by IA staff and featured guests, each online conversation engages participants in collaborative thinking, dialogue and group work. Through peer mentorship, support, and knowledge sharing participants engage with guest facilitators and have opportunities to share examples from their own lives.  Subscribe for Updates

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