June 14, 2021, 6:30 a.m. Eastern (U.S. and Canada)

This virtual book launch is hosted by the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education in cooperation with Participatory Research In Asia (PRIA) and the UNESCO New Delhi Office.


"Is the university contributing to our global crises or does it offer stories of hope? Much recent debate about higher education has focussed upon rankings, quality, financing and student mobility. The COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis, the calls for decolonisation, the persistence of gender violence, the rise of authoritarian nationalism, and the challenge of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals have taken on new urgency and given rise to larger questions about the social relevance of higher education ...

"Socially Responsible Higher Education: International Perspectives on Knowledge Democracy (2021) shares the experiences of a broadly representative and globally dispersed set of writers on higher education and social responsibility, broadening perspectives on the democratisation of knowledge ... The stories in this book call us to take back the right to imagine, and ‘reclaim’ the public purposes of higher education ... Join an enriching discussion on aforesaid themes and more with a set of distinguished speakers at this book launch."

Register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_48gK4h6_Sa6RNpkge7fS1Q?timezone_id=America%2FNew_York

Download a free copy of the book at: https://brill.com/view/title/59847?rskey=l24j2w&result=1

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