August 4, 2020
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
3:00-5:00 p.m. Eastern
Would you like a deeper understanding of the National Science Foundation’s Broader Impacts (BI) criterion? Would you like tips and strategies for addressing the BI criterion in more compelling (and, hopefully, more fundable) ways?
The NSF-funded Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) supports BI professionals and provides BI training for researchers and grant-writers. Thousands have been served by its “BI 101” workshop which is designed to help people make sense of the BI criterion and empower them to approach their grant-writing with more clarity and confidence.
ARIS is now offering this workshop as a 2-hour webinar. This activity-based workshop will cover the history of the BI criterion, provide strategies for conceptualizing, developing, implementing and evaluating BI activities, and share tips on leveraging existing resources and establishing robust partnerships to build one's “BI identity.”
- $100 Non-members
- $50 ARIS Community members* (ARIS is offering free Community memberships through the end of 2021, at:
* May include: K-12 Teachers and Students, Undergrads, Graduate Students, Postdocs, anyone from a Minority Serving Institution (MSI), which would include HBCUs, HSIs and TCUs (Historically Black Colleges/Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges/Universities), anyone from a 2-year/Community College or Technical/Vocational School.