The Center for Community Engaged Learning and the MSU Alternative Spartan Breaks invites proposals Break Away’s Staff Development Summit.  The Staff Summit will be held at the Kellogg Center on November 29 - December 1, 2023, and areas of focus will be alternative breaks, community-based learning, and social justice education.

MSU is hosting this 3-day event (1 evening, 1 full day, 1 morning) for campus and nonprofit agencies. Sessions are led by Break Away staff and outside authorities on subjects of interest. Past summits have included sessions on mental health and burnout, identity-based supervision, trauma-informed programming practices, and community partnership development.

Community partners, staff, and graduate assistants are welcome to attend to learn, network, and connect with folks from across the country as we gather to share best practices, theories/ideas, and programs. 

The proposal Deadline is extended to November 15, 2023!  Prospective participants are invited to submit proposals on any area of interest within the field of alternative breaks, community-based learning, and social justice education. We’re interested in highlighting a variety of topics and levels of expertise. 

Organizers are inviting proposals of three types of presentations:

  • Workshop (60 minutes) will highlight the presenter(s) knowledge or expertise on a particular subject matter, theory, or topic.
  • Roundtable/Facilitated Dialogue (30-60 minutes) will be a structured discussion around a particular subject matter, idea, or quandary.
  • Practical Application sessions (30-60 minutes) will highlight and/or explain a particular program, event, or practice on a campus.

Since Michigan State University is a founding members of Break Away (1991) and currently an Advantage Member, the cost for attending is $320.  It will even be lower if your proposal is accepted.

Individuals who would like to attend and are unable to secure funding, are asked to contact Tina Houghton (, assistant director, Center for Community Engaged Learning.


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