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Community Engagement Scholars Program


Scholar Position Specifics:

  • 10 undergraduate positions available
  • 15 hours average/week, education stipend/project pay (approximately $2500/semester)
  • No less than a 12 hour/week commitment at partner site or virtual with partner (if necessary or available)
  • Transportation resources provided
  • Cohort meetings twice monthly (on Saturdays) for professional development and reflective learning. Cohort meetings are mandatory.
  • Pre-engagement Training and Orientation Required


An ideal applicant for this position will have an interest and/or experience working in economic and community development the ability to commit for the full 2020-2021 academic year (Fall 2020 and Spring 2021)


Program Overview:

The MSU Community Engagement Scholars Program is an initiative offered by the Center for Community Engaged Learning in partnership with community organizations in Detroit and Lansing, Michigan. Students selected will serve collaboratively with fellow cohort members, community organizers, local organizations, and community partner organizations. The role of the student scholars will range from planning and infrastructure to communications and data collection with additional opportunities to serve with neighborhood development corporations and other local nonprofits. Please note that the 2020-2021 cohort projects will be focused on democratic engagement and diversity, equity, and inclusion work.

For further information, see the MSU Community Engagement Scholars Program brochure.


To apply, please forward the following to Renee Brown by 5:00 p.m. on June 19, 2020.

  1. A two-page essay highlighting your own community engagement, your interest in community and economic development, and what you hope to gain from the experience of serving as a 2020-2021 MSU Community Engagement Scholar. Please indicate if you are interested in serving in Lansing or Detroit and why.
  2. A professional resume
  3. The names and contact information of 2 professional references (may be employment or education connections)


Graduate Student Opportunity:

The Center for Community Engaged Learning is also seeking applicants for the position of Coordinator of the MSU Community Engagement Scholars Program. Interested parties are invited to review the Coordinator position description. Applicants are asked to forward a letter of interest, resume, and 3 professional references to Renee Brown by 5:00 p.m. on July 1, 2020.

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