Attention: Faculty, Research and Academic Staff, Postdocs, and Graduate Students

This 8-part series of workshops will introduce participants to all aspects of building your Broader Impacts plan. Participants can register for one workshop or all sessions. But be sure to register only for the sessions that you want to attend. 

Broader Impacts Workshop Series Kickoff: Broader Impacts Basics

January 24, 2022

Are you a newcomer to broader impacts or need a refresher on what they are all about? This introductory workshop covers the basics of broader impacts, including what broader impacts of research are, why they matter, and the six essential elements of a successful broader impacts plan. Participants will also learn about key resources and consultation services available to help them build their BI plans and get a sneak preview of additional workshops in the series.


  • Laurie Van Egeren, Interim Associate Provost for University Outreach and Engagement
  • Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research, University Outreach and Engagement

Video of January 24 Presentation

Building Your Research Impact Identity and Vision

February 8, 2022

Researchers are more effective in achieving their intended societal impacts when they take the time to consciously construct their impact identities. "Impact Identity" is a concept that integrates one’s identity as a researcher with societal needs, personal preferences and skills, and institutional context. Come to this hands-on workshop to develop your impact identity and vision for achieving desired societal impacts throughout your career.


  • Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research, University Outreach and Engagement

Video of February 8 Presentation

Winning Strategies for NSF CAREER Proposals

March 3, 2022

In this panel discussion, Dr. Angela Wilson, John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and former director of the Chemistry Division of the National Science Foundation, and faculty members who have won CAREER awards offer their insights into how to write successful CAREER proposals that integrate their research and education plans.

Presenters and Panelists:

  • Angela Wilson, John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry and Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives, College of Natural Science
  • Kyla Dahlin, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences, College of Social Science 
  • Julia Ganz, Assistant Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Science
  • Muhammad Rabnawaz, Assistant Professor, School of Packaging, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Video of March 3 Presentation

Broadening Participation in STEM Education and Careers: Promising Practices and Resources

March 21, 2022

A key National Science Foundation Broader Impacts goal is to increase the participation of historically underrepresented groups such as women and minoritized people in STEM education and CAREERS. In this panel discussion, participants will learn about promising practices in broadening participation and the rich array of programs and potential partners available at Michigan State University to support researchers in achieving these participation goals.

Presenters and Panelists:

  • Steven Thomas, Program Manager, The Graduate School
  • Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research, University Outreach and Engagement
  • Joy Hannibal, Assistant Director for the Detroit M.A.D.E. Scholars program, Neighborhood Student Success Collaborative
  • Julie Libarkin, Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Natural Science 
  • Matthew Schrenk, Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Natural Science
  • Emily Sorroche, Associate Director, Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Video of March 21 Presentation

Building Your Broader Impacts Plan

April 5, 2022

In addition to its intellectual merits, each proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) is reviewed according to the merits of its Broader Impacts (BI) plan, or the benefits of the proposed research to society. Come to this hands-on workshop to learn more about NSF’s BI criterion and major BI goals, the six essential elements of a BI plan, and key resources to help you develop a winning proposal. Participants will leave the workshop with a draft BI plan.


  • Sara Steenrod, Grant Consultant, Office of Research and Innovation
  • Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research, University Outreach and Engagement

Video of April 5 Presentation

MSU Partners for Broader Impacts

April 12, 2022

Learn more about how the Broader Impacts partnership process works by meeting a wide variety of MSU partners who can help you plan and deliver your project. Each partner will give an overview of what they offer and provide case studies of successful projects. Following the overviews, “speed dating” sessions with the partners allows you the opportunity to explore options, ask specific questions, and make contacts. Objectives: Participants will be able to (1) name potential campus partners for Broader Impacts projects; and (2) articulate the process for working with partners.

Partner Presenters:

  • Denice Blair, Director of Education, MSU Museum
  • Zachary Constan, Outreach Coordinator, Facility for Rare Isotope Beams and National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
  • Brad Fingland, Director of Venture Creation, Spartan Innovations
  • Shannon Schmoll, Director, Abrams Planetarium
  • Erica Tobe, Director, Children and Youth Institute, MSU Extension
  • Michelle Word, Director of Education, MSU Broad Art Museum
  • Bria Dinkins, Academic Programs Coordinator, MSU Broad Art Museum

Video of April 12 Presentation

Evaluating the Broader Impacts of Your Research

April 26, 2022

Each proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) must include a broader impacts (BI) plan, and this BI plan must include a strategy for evaluating the broader impacts of the proposed research. Come to this hands-on workshop to learn more about methods for evaluating the broader impacts of your research. Participants will leave the workshop with a draft BI evaluation plan.


  • Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research, University Outreach and Engagement
  • Sara Steenrod, Grant Consultant, Office of Research and Innovation

Video of April 26 Presentation

Achieving Broader Impacts through Industry Partnerships, Commercialization, and Entrepreneurship

May 17, 2022

10:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Increased partnerships between academia and industry and increased economic competitiveness of the U.S. are key Broader Impact areas. In this workshop, panelists representing university offices that support commercialization, entrepreneurship, and industry partnerships discuss their services and how best to collaborate with them to achieve your research impact goals.

Presenters and Panelists:

  • Charles Hasemann, Assistant Vice President for Innovation and Economic Development, MSU Innovation Center
  • Jeff Wesley, Executive Director of Red Cedar Ventures, MSU Foundation
  • Jeff Smith, Director, University Corporate Research Park, MSU Foundation
  • Kyan Zeller, Senior Director, Corporate Relations, University Development

Sponsored by: University Outreach and Engagement; Office of Faculty and Academic Staff Development; Office of Research and Innovation; The Graduate School

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