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Summer Intensive on Community-Engaged Scholarship

Since 2016, the Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship has offered a weeklong summer intensive focused on community-engaged research, as well as community-engaged teaching and learning, inclusive of service-learning and civic engagement. Each June, faculty, academic staff, and graduate students from Michigan State University and other higher education institutions are invited to attend this connected series of lectures, workshops, small group work sessions, field trips with community partners, reflection sessions, and one-on-one consultations. The Summer Intensive’s goals are to (1) introduce community engagement conceptual frameworks and theories, (2) emphasize the value of community-university partnerships, (3) share best-practice case studies, (4) raise ethical issues related to power and privilege in community work, (5) share strategies for communicating effectively with academic and public audiences, (6) consider multiple career pathways and success strategies, including strategies for reappointment, promotion, and tenure, and (7) develop action plans for participants’ community-engaged work once they return to their own campus.



  • Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship
  • Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement
  • MSU Department of Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures
  • Refugee Development Center, Lansing
  • Intertribal Research Council




Diane Doberneck

Director for Faculty and Professional Development, Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Community Sustainability

Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship

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