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Diversity Assessment and Engagement Program

The Diversity Assessment and Engagement Program is a certificate-granting diversity leadership program designed for mid-level and senior administrators to assist organizations in becoming diverse entities. It does so by providing learning exercises on organizational diversity audits, individual and unit diversity plans, and leading educational activities that promote understanding of diversity issues and practices among personnel.

The “diverse organization” embodies the value of diversity across all of its operations. Diversity, as a value, co-exists within the organization at the same level and on the same plane as the values of effectiveness and efficiency. This means practices within an organization align with diversity as a core value.

The program consists of nine interactive sessions with participants engaged in activities aligned with five objectives. The program has capacity for 20 community leaders, professionals, and administrators. Participants must complete all sessions to obtain the certificate; the cost of the program is $2,500. Through the development and implementation of organization-specific diversity projects, program participants engage in activities that that enhance their skills and abilities to interact professionally with persons from diverse backgrounds.

The program was designed and is facilitated by Rubén Martinez, Ph.D., director emeritus of the Julian Samora Research Institute at Michigan State University. Dr. Martinez has expertise and extensive experience in designing and leading diversity leadership programs for developing and enhancing multicultural orientations and skills among individuals and multicultural capacity within organizations.


  • Julian Samora Research Institute (JSRI)


  • Participants


Rubén Martinez

Professor, Department of Sociology
Director Emeritus, Julian Samora Research Institute

Julian Samora Research Institute

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