Attention: Faculty, Academic Staff, and Instructors (new to or experienced with community-engaged learning)

Community-engaged learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community partnerships with instruction and critical reflection to enrich the student learning experience, teach civic and social responsibility, and strengthen communities. Implementation strategies range from direct service to advocacy to research to philanthropy, and more! Through presentation and discussion, attendees will learn how to get started or enhance what they are already doing and connect to a network of peers and resources. If you are interested and not able to attend or would like one-on-one consulting, please email Michelle Snitgen ( or Stephanie Brewer ( of the Center for Community Engaged Learning's academic programs team to discuss ideas, plans, or partnership support.

Participants can register for one workshop or both sessions.

Creating or Refining Your Community-Engaged Learning Syllabus

Thursday, February 8, 2024
9:30 – 10:50 a.m. (EST) | Zoom

Registration now closed

This session will discuss elements of designing a syllabus to outline the community-engaged learning experience and requirements, highlight community partnerships, and build in reflection opportunities. We will draw from sample syllabi, templates, and peer testimonials to assist instructors in shaping plans for future courses.

The Community-Engaged Learning Student Experience

Monday, March 11, 2024
1:30 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. (EST) | Zoom


This session will help practitioners think through the community-engaged learning experience from the student perspective. What are the benefits and challenges for our students, and what is our responsibility as practitioners to ensure students are prepared? How can we really work toward a transformative learning experience?

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