Attention: Faculty, Research and Academic Staff, Postdocs, and Graduate Students

This series will introduce participants to all aspects of building your broader impacts plan. Participants can register for one workshop or all sessions. Please be sure to register only for the sessions that you want to attend.

Mapping the Societal Impact of Your Research: Articulating Your Impact Identity, Goals, and Pathways

September 10, 2024
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. | Zoom

Registration now closed!

Researchers are more effective in accomplishing the intended societal impacts of their research when they have taken the time to consider their short- and long-term research impact goals. Come to this hands-on workshop to develop your impact identity, goals, and pathways for achieving societal impacts for your next funded project and throughout your career. By considering their research impact goals and how to achieve them, participants will be better prepared to write compelling broader impacts statements for their next proposal.


  • Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research, Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship, University Outreach and Engagement

The Essential Elements of a Successful Broader Impacts Plan

October 15, 2024
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. | Zoom

Registration now closed!

In addition to its intellectual merits, each proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) is reviewed according to the merits of its broader impacts (BI) plan, or the benefits of the proposed research to society. Come to this workshop to learn more about NSF’s BI criteria and major BI goals, the essential elements of a high-quality BI plan, and key resources to help you develop a winning proposal.



  • Lauren Aerni Flessner, Grant Consultant, Office of Research and Innovation
  • Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research, Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship
  • Sara Steenrod, Grant Consultant, Office of Research and Innovation

Achieving Broader Impacts of Research Through Policy Change

Friday, February 21, 2025
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. | Zoom


Want to inform today's policy debates? Looking for innovative and creative ways to amplify your research in policy-making circles? Seeking new ways to share your research findings with those who are at the forefront of policy discussions?

Policy makers are seeking contextual information along with the facts and evidence to address society's greatest problems. Often, they must search beyond anecdotal constituent conversations for research-based information to begin crafting, drafting, writing, and passing legislation that offers effective, problem-solving strategies. Researchers have an important role to play in providing that research-based information in ways that are timely and relevant to the policy-making process.

Michigan State University's Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR) invites faculty, research staff, and graduate students with current or planned policy-relevant research to attend this virtual workshop.

Speakers will focus on:

  • Information that policy makers at all levels of government are looking for from researchers
  • Practical guidelines for writing research briefs
  • Campus resources for applied policy-relevant research
  • Effective strategies for connecting your scholarship to the policy-making community


  • Matt Grossman, Director, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research
  • Arnold Weinfeld, Associate Director, Institute for Public Policy and Social Research

NSF CAREER Panel Discussion

March 11, 2025
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. | Zoom


In this panel discussion, participants will gain insights on how to write successful CAREER proposals that integrate their research and education plans. The panel includes Angela Wilson, University Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and former Director of the Chemistry Division of the National Science Foundation, along with MSU faculty who are recent recipients of NSF CAREER awards. 

Additional Opportunities

Sponsored by University Outreach and EngagementOffice of Research and Innovation

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