Attention: Faculty, Research and Academic Staff, Postdocs, and Graduate Students

This series will introduce participants to all aspects of building your broader impacts plan. Participants can register for one workshop or all sessions. Please be sure to register only for the sessions that you want to attend.

Mapping Your Research Impacts: Articulating Your Research Impact Identity and Pathways to Research Impacts

September 10, 2024
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. | Zoom


Researchers are more effective in accomplishing the intended societal impacts of their research when they have taken the time to consider their impact identity, their impact goals, and their pathways to societal impacts. Come to this hands-on workshop to develop your impact identity, research impact goals, and pathways for achieving societal impacts for your next funded project and throughout your career. By considering their short- and long-term research impact goals and pathways, participants will be better prepared to write compelling research impacts statements for their next proposal.


  • Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research, Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship, University Outreach and Engagement

The Essential Elements of a Successful Broader Impacts Plan

October 15, 2024
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. | Zoom


In addition to its intellectual merits, each proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) is reviewed according to the merits of its broader impacts (BI) plan, or the benefits of the proposed research to society. Come to this workshop to learn more about NSF’s BI criteria and major BI goals, the essential elements of a high quality BI plan, and key resources to help you develop a winning proposal.


  • Lauren Aerni Flessner, Grant Consultant, Office of Research and Innovation
  • Miles McNall, Director for Community-Engaged Research, Office for Public Engagement and Scholarship
  • Sara Steenrod, Grant Consultant, Office of Research and Innovation

Winning Strategies for CAREER Proposals

March 2025

Registration coming soon

In this panel discussion, Dr. Angela Wilson, John H. Hannah Distinguished Professor and former director of the Chemistry Division of the National Science Foundation, and faculty members who have won CAREER awards offer their insights into how to write successful CAREER proposals that integrate their research and education plans. 


  • Angela Wilson, John H. Hannah Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives, College of Natural Science
  • Lauren Aerni Flessner, Grant Consultant, Office of Research and Innovation
  • Sara Steenrod, Grant Consultant, Office of Research and Innovation

Additional Opportunities

Sponsored by University Outreach and EngagementOffice of Research and Innovation