Empowering Local Communities in Natural Resource Conservation Efforts Through the Michigan Conservation Stewards Program

Bindu Bhakta, MSU Extension 
Julie Crick, MSU Extension 
Georgia Peterson, MSU Extension
City of Ann Arbor Natural Area Preservation
Huron-Clinton Metropark Authority
Huron River Watershed Council
Legacy Land Conservancy
Michigan Nature Association
River Raisin Watershed Council
Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy
The Stewardship Network Huron Arbor Cluster
Washtenaw Conservation District
Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission
Washtenaw County Water Resources
University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Garden
University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability

A central tenet of the CSP is to foster lasting partnerships between MSU and local organizations and agencies that share a desire to promote and sustain conservation efforts in their local areas. Before program delivery begins, the CSP gathers input from interested community partners about their needs. MSU coordinators then collaborate with partners and local experts to tailor content that showcases work currently happening in that community. Over the past 18 years, the CSP has adapted to shifting needs of local conservation communities and residents that they serve, based on feedback from both participants and community partners. The ongoing relationships that have been forged have resulted in long-term, sustained impacts on the environmental health of Michigan’s communities. 

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