Framework description: Establishing and maintaining a priority for setting the tone for communicating the institutional commitment to inclusiveness, building organizational capacity, attracting, and/or committing the resources to create change.  Holding the MSU community accountable for adoption of initiatives that allow MSU to anticipate and address the challenges of inclusiveness in the 21st century and beyond.

  • Incorporate UOE DEI initiative into AP Search. Create brief written material about UOE’s DEI initiative, and communicate to the AP search committee; Develop relevant questions for discussion with candidates.
  • Identify a DEI Liaison to connect with the MSU IDEA coordinators.
  • Make the DEI Committee permanent with a rotating membership and staggered terms.
  • Develop a DEI Plan with goals, objectives, and indicators of progress.
  • Develop written policies that integrate DEI into professional development, hiring (see HR existing policies), performance review, and onboarding, and have recommendations/suggestions for pronoun use
  • When making decisions about which events or organizations to sponsor, consider the range of diversity
  • Build stronger partnerships at the Office level with internal MSU units that collaborate on engaged scholarship with diverse groups (e.g., Diversity Research Network, Native American Institute, Chicano/Latino Studies, LBGT Resource Center, and more)
  • Collect and analyze DEI data to inform activities and outcomes, including analyzing retreat survey by group, conducting an annual survey and reporting results over time, and using existing institutional data
  • When selecting outside vendors, include review of businesses owned by women, people of color, veterans, and people with a disability, and/or located in Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Zone
  • Communication/messaging
    • Create a webpage on UOE website that publicly documents UOE DEI statement (as developed for search committee), plan, progress
    • Incorporate MSU land acknowledgement into communication, including on website
    • Reflect diversity in all materials that incorporate photography
    • When planning media releases, in addition to the main stream media, send releases to sources that serve minority audiences
    • Require microphone use for medium- to larger-sized rooms
    • Use best practices for accessibility in written and electronic materials/formats
    • When organizing events, ensure venues have reasonable accommodations for people with mobility, sight, and/or hearing issues
    • Ensure that a non-gender restroom is available at events
    • Identify designated nursing spaces for mothers at events
    • Provide attendees with a visible means to voluntarily share their preferred pronouns at UOE events if desired
    • Ensure that event registrations always ask whether participants have any special accommodation requests (including food) and to fulfill those requests as best as possible
    • Select dates for events that do not coincide with religious holidays in any faith

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