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MSU Community-Engaged Learning Index

Each year, the Office of the President requests that the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) report on the number of students engaged in curricular service-learning, civic engagement, and volunteer activities. To this end, CCEL conducts the annual Community-Engaged Learning Survey to collect campuswide information about community-engaged learning courses, programs, and projects. 

To make this information broadly available, CCEL develops an annual Community-Engaged Learning Index. This report provides our campus with data by college and/or division and will assist in determining what resources and supports the center may offer to sustain and advance this work in the future. 

CCEL is committed to building relationships with all MSU units that are committed to community-engaged teaching and learning, civic engagement, and student volunteerism. Recognizing campus efforts and reporting accomplishments are of the utmost importance. 

View the Community-Engaged Learning Index reports.

For questions or concerns, please call the Center for Community Engaged Learning at 517-353-4400 or email


  • MSU Academic Units and Programs
  • Registered Student Organizations (RSO)


Renee C. Brown

Executive Director, Center for Community Engaged Learning
Interim Executive Director, Career Services Network

Center for Community Engaged Learning

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