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Neighborhoods Without Borders

Citizens and businesses are coming together in a grassroots, community effort to significantly improve the overall quality of life in Flint neighborhoods by building on the good work currently being done by many groups and caring individuals; using existing resources to transform neighborhoods; and creating doable action focused on lifelong learning, jobs and money, retail renaissance, community safety, gangs and ex-offenders, housing, healthy residents, arts and culture, opportunities for youth, parks, open space, and greening. Neighborhoods Without Borders uses Strategic Doing, a process that enables people to form action collaborations quickly, guide them toward measurable outcomes, and make adjustments along the way.


  • Metro Community Development
  • Flint Area Reinvestment Office
  • Many neighborhood organizations, businesses, and faith-based groups
  • UM-Flint researchers


Robert E. Brown

Associate Director, Center for Community and Economic Development

Center for Community and Economic Development