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Latinos 2025 – Inequality in Academic Achievement, Dropping Out, and Transition to Post-Secondary Education: The Multilevel Influences of Social and Cultural Capital

This project focuses on critical high school students’ educational outcomes, including mathematics achievement, cumulative grade, enrollment in college, and dropout rates.  Specific aims are to: 1) determine the sources, magnitude, and significance of social inequality in students’ academic achievement and assess the relative and combined effects of neighborhood, school, and family social contexts on students’ academic achievement; 2) determine the mediating and moderating influences of school- and family-based social capital and cultural capital on students’ academic achievement; and 3) determine the  effects of neighborhood, school, and family on changes in students’ academic achievement between 9th and 12th grade.


Jean Kayitsinga

Assistant Professor, Julian Samora Research Institute

Julian Samora Research Institute

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