Jamie Heng-Chieh Wu's Publications
Wu, J. H., Akaeze, H. O., & Van Egeren (under review). Effects of a state pre-kindergarten program on the kindergarten readiness and attendance of at-risk four-year-olds. Early Childhood Education Journal.
Wu, J. H., Akaeze, H. O., Wilinski, B., & Morley, A. (under review). Middle-income families used public pre-k targeting low-income families: Lessons from a COVID policy change. Dimensions of Early Childhood.
Wu, J. H., Akaeze, H. O., Ressler, R. W., Miller, S. R., (Under Review). Using the Child Opportunity Index to examine equity in access to a state-funded preschool program. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.
Akaeze, H. O., Miller, S. R., Wu, J. H. (Under Review). Geographically Weighted Regression: A spatial lens for assessing equity in educational resources. AERA Open.
Wu, J. H. & Akaeze, H. O., (Under Review). Who attends public pre-kindergarten? A model-based approach to understanding similarities and differences among Michigan public pre-K students. Education Finance and Policy.
Wu, J. H. & Akaeze, H. O. Consider all the evidence on pre-K programs for low-income children: Why randomized controlled trial results must not dictate public policy. Planning and Changing.
Wu, J. H., Akaeze, H. O. & Van Egeren, L. A. Tracking child development in preschool settings: The case of COR Advantage. Dimensions of Early Childhood.
Wilinski, B., Morley, A. & Wu, J. H. The pandemic as portal: Pre-k teachers’ improvisational family engagement practices during COVID-19. Early Childhood Education Journal.
Akaeze, H. O., Wu, J. H.*, Lawrence, F. R. & Weber, E. (2023). Validation of the COR Advantage 1.5 Assessment Tool for preschool children: A multilevel bifactor modeling approach. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 41(5), 556-574. *Corresponding author
Wu, J. H., Shereda, A., Stacy, S., Weiss, J. & Heintschel, M. (2022). Maximizing youth leadership in out-of-school time programs: Six best practices from the youth-driven spaces project. Journal of Youth Development, 17 (3), 70-89.
Wilinski, B., Morley, A. & Wu, J. H. (2022). Uncovering new opportunities for family engagement during COVID-19. Phi Delta Kappan, 103 (7), 14-17.
Akaeze, H. O., Lawrence, F. R. & Wu, J. H. (2022). Resolving dimensionality in a child assessment tool: An application of the multilevel bifactor model. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 83 (1), 93-115.
Wu, J. H., Davies, T., Thoreson, L. & Van Egeren, L. (2020). Giving data a voice through coaching: The Michigan example. In C. Newhouse & C. Russell (Eds.), Measure, use, improve! Data use in Out-of-School Time (1st ed., pp. 259 - 274). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.
Chang, C., Kelly, K., Horn, M., Houang, R., Gardiner, J. Van Egeren, L. & Wu, H. (2020). Classification accuracy and parameter estimation in multilevel contexts: A study of conditional nonparametric multilevel latent class analysis. Methodology, 5, 19–25.
Wu, H. J., Kornbluh, M., Weiss, J., & Rody, L. (2016). Measuring and understanding authentic youth engagement. Afterschool Matters, 23(Spring), 8–17.
Wu, H-C., Van Egeren, L. A., & Weikart Center TACSS Team. (2016). Frequently asked questions about the Leading Indicators Report. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Wu, H. J., & Van Egeren, L. A. (2010). Voluntary participation and parents’ reasons for enrollment in after-school programs: Contributions of race/ethnicity, program quality, and program policies. Journal of Leisure Research, 42(4), 591–617.
Latkova, P., Wu, H. J., & Paulsen, R. (2009). Examining social capital in the conference setting: A case study of college student participants. Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 24, 38–49.