Tina Houghton is the assistant director in the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL). Tina started her career at MSU in 1995 in the Graduate Studies in Education Overseas program held within the College of Education. In fall 2000, she accepted a position with the World Association of Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) as a Congress Organizer/Office Manager under Dr. Fitzgerald housed within University Outreach and Engagement. In 2009, this non-profit moved to Finland and she was offered the position in CCEL. In her current position she is charged with developing international community engagement learning programs, introducing international students to community engagement and advises Alternative Spartan Breaks, a Registered Student Organization that send 20+ service trips during academic breaks. Tina has her Bachelor’s Degree from Northwood University in Business Administration with a minor in International Business and is currently working toward her Masters of Science in Administration degree with a concentration in Leadership from Central Michigan University.

Tina Houghton
Assistant Director, Center for Community Engaged Learning
E-Mail: hought17@msu.edu
Department Web page: https://communityengagedlearning.msu.edu